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我在运行时收到以下警告“ ionic build android


[12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/variables.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/Account.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/AccountTemplate.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/BankCodes.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/BillPayments.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/Card.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/Configuration.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/ContactInfo.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/EZcash.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/Ecard.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/ForgotPassword.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/FundsReceived.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/GenarateCVV.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/GetSocialPay.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/ImageUpload.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/InlineResponse200.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/InlineResponse2001.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/InlineResponse2002.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/InlineResponse2003.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/InlineResponse2004.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/InlineResponse2005.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/InlineResponse2006.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/InlineResponse2007.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration. [12:00:40][Step 2/4] Tried to lint /Users/ibl/BuildAgent/work/57cc7c2dbfdcfaba/src/model/InlineResponse2008.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration.


cli 包:(/Users/dev/Documents/IB/PSVB-MBL/node_modules)

@ionic/cli-utils  : 1.19.3
ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.20.1


cordova (Cordova CLI) : 7.1.0 


@ionic/app-scripts : 3.2.4
Cordova Platforms  : android 7.1.0
Ionic Framework    : ionic-angular 3.9.0


Android SDK Tools : 26.1.1
Node              : v9.10.1
npm               : 5.6.0 
OS                : macOS
Xcode             : Xcode 10.2.1 Build version 10E1001


`ANDROID_HOME : /Users/dev/Library/Android/sdk`


`backend: pro`

标签: angulartypescriptionic-framework


这是问题链接:https ://github.com/palantir/tslint/issues/3735

在您tslint.json 添加新规则中tslint.json

"jsRules": {
    "no-empty": true
