首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 DynamicObject 在 LINQ 表达式中强制“动态”行为


假设我有一个D派生自DynamicObject. 目的是D包装一些对象,以暴露比包装对象中最初可用的属性更多的属性。


var age = (int)((dynamic)new D(new Person{Age = 45})).Age;


var p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(D), "p");
var e = System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicExpression.ParseLambda(new[] { p }, null, "p.Age > 45");


如何构建一个视为的p表达式dynamic?我已经尝试了很多东西,最终System.Linq.Dynamic从 NuGet 使用,但仍然没有运气。


public class D : DynamicObject
    Person _p;

    public D(Person p)
        _p = p;

    public override IEnumerable<string> GetDynamicMemberNames()
        return new [] {"Age"};

    public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
        var name = binder.Name;
        if (name == "Age")
            result = _p.Age;
            return true;

        result = null;
        return false;

class Person
   public int Age { get; set; }

标签: c#.net





使动态行为起作用的第一件事是IDynamicMetaObjectProvider在类中实现接口。该接口表示动态对象,并具有GetMetaObject返回的单一方法DynamicMetaObject。在这种情况下,PersonMetaObject 类。

public sealed class Person : IDynamicMetaObjectProvider {
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }

    public int GetAge() {
        return DateTime.Today.Year - BirthDate.Year;

    DynamicMetaObject IDynamicMetaObjectProvider.GetMetaObject(Expression parameter) {
        return new PersonMetaObject(parameter, this);


internal class PersonMetaObject : DynamicMetaObject {
    private TypeInfo _typeInfo = typeof(Person).GetTypeInfo();

    public PersonMetaObject(Expression parameter, Person value)
        : base(parameter, BindingRestrictions.Empty, value) { }

    public override DynamicMetaObject BindGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder) {
        Expression self = GetSelfExpression();

        string propertyName = binder.Name;

        return BindGetInternal(self, propertyName);

    public override DynamicMetaObject BindGetIndex(GetIndexBinder binder, DynamicMetaObject[] indexes) {
        Expression self = GetSelfExpression();

        string propertyName = indexes.First().Value.ToString();

        return BindGetInternal(self, propertyName);

    private DynamicMetaObject BindGetInternal(Expression self, string propertyName) {
        switch (propertyName) {
            // Dynamic value computed in runtime
            case "FullName": {
                // Get FirstName property
                Expression firstName = Expression.Property(self, nameof(Person.FirstName));
                // Get LastName property
                Expression lastName = Expression.Property(self, nameof(Person.LastName));
                // Create constant containing space character
                Expression space = Expression.Constant(" ");

                Expression stringArray = Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(string), firstName, lastName);

                Expression fullName = Expression.Call(null, typeof(string).GetMethod(nameof(String.Join), new[] { typeof(string), typeof(string[]) }), space, stringArray);

                // Create and return dynamic object metadata
                return new DynamicMetaObject(Expression.Convert(fullName, typeof(object)), BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(Expression, LimitType));
            // Defined method invoked
            case "Age": {
                // Get method info using type reflection
                MethodInfo getAge = _typeInfo.GetMethod(nameof(Person.GetAge));

                // Call reflected method
                Expression age = Expression.Call(self, getAge);

                // Create and return dynamic object metadata
                return new DynamicMetaObject(Expression.Convert(age, typeof(object)), BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(Expression, LimitType));
            default: {
                // if none case was hit we need to make sure to return declared property if exists
                if(_typeInfo.GetMembers().Any(m => m.Name == propertyName)) {
                    return new DynamicMetaObject(Expression.Convert(Expression.Property(self, propertyName), typeof(object)), BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(Expression, LimitType));
                // If we get here something is wrong. To avoid exception we just return default value. But you would like to change it accordingly   
                // Create default object
                Expression @default = Expression.Default(typeof(object));

                // Create and return dynamic object metadata
                return new DynamicMetaObject(@default, BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(Expression, LimitType));
    private Expression GetSelfExpression() {
        return Expression.Convert(Expression, LimitType);

最后一部分是编写一些逻辑来测试它是否有效。在下面的代码中,您可以看到有两个使用 Func 的 IEnumerable 过滤器和两个 IQueryable。IQueryable 正在使用以编程方式创建的表达式。

class Program {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            // Array of concrete types assigned to dynamic enumerable
            IEnumerable<dynamic> enumerable = new Person[] {
                new Person { BirthDate = new DateTime(1975, 8, 14), FirstName = "Alan",  LastName = "Smith" },
                new Person { BirthDate = new DateTime(2006, 1, 26), FirstName = "Elisa",  LastName = "Ridley" },
                new Person { BirthDate = new DateTime(1993, 12, 1), FirstName = "Randy",  LastName = "Knowles" },
                new Person { BirthDate = new DateTime(1946, 5, 8), FirstName = "Melissa",  LastName = "Fincher" }

            IQueryable<dynamic> queryable = enumerable.AsQueryable();

            // Helper method to write data to console
            void Write(IEnumerable<dynamic> collection) {
                foreach (var item in collection) {
                    Console.WriteLine($"{item.FullName} born {item.BirthDate.ToShortDateString()}");

            // Property access on dynamic object
            var youngsters = enumerable
                .Where(m => m.Age < 21);

            Console.WriteLine("Young people to test property acces:");

            // Index access on dynamic object
            var adults = enumerable
                .Where(m => m["Age"] > 20 && m["Age"] < 60);

            Console.WriteLine("Adult people to test index access:");

            // Composed lambda expression for queryable (be aware it is not going to work with EF)
            var seniors = queryable
                .Where(ExpressionFactory.PropertyGreaterThanPredicate("Age", 59));

            Console.WriteLine("Senior people to test property access lambda expression:");

            // Composed lambda expression for queryable (be aware it is not going to work with EF)
            var some = queryable
                .Where(ExpressionFactory.IndexLessThanPredicate("Age", 60));

            Console.WriteLine("Some people to test index access lambda expression:");



public static class ExpressionFactory {
        public static Expression<Func<dynamic, bool>> PropertyGreaterThanPredicate(string propertyName, int value){
            var constant = Expression.Constant(value);

            var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "m");

            // Creating binder to access class member
            var binder = Binder.GetMember(CSharpBinderFlags.None, propertyName, typeof(Program), new CSharpArgumentInfo[] { CSharpArgumentInfo.Create(CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None, null) });

            // Dynamic operation on the binder
            var dynamic = Expression.Dynamic(binder, typeof(object), parameter);

            // Converting result to same type as value to compare
            var converted = Expression.Convert(dynamic, constant.Value.GetType());

            var predicate = Expression.GreaterThan(converted, constant);

            var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<dynamic, bool>>(predicate, parameter);

            return lambda;

        public static Expression<Func<dynamic, bool>> IndexLessThanPredicate(string indexName, int value) {
            var constant = Expression.Constant(value);

            var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "m");

            // Creating binder to access indexer
            var binder = Binder.GetIndex(CSharpBinderFlags.None, typeof(Program), new CSharpArgumentInfo[] { CSharpArgumentInfo.Create(CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None, null) });

            // Dynamic operation on the binder
            var dynamic = Expression.Dynamic(binder, typeof(object), parameter, Expression.Constant(indexName));

            // Converting result to same type as value to compare
            var converted = Expression.Convert(dynamic, constant.Value.GetType());

            var predicate = Expression.LessThan(converted, constant);

            var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<dynamic, bool>>(predicate, parameter);

            return lambda;

如果您需要完整的工作示例,您可以在GitHub 存储库中找到它。




namespace ConsoleApp2 {
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Dynamic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Linq.Dynamic;

    class Program {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            var dynamics = new D[] {
                new D(new Person { Age = 1 }),
                new D(new Person { Age = 50 }),
                new D(new Person { Age = 100 })

            var first = dynamics[0].Age;

            var second = dynamics.Where(x => x.Age > 45);

            var filter = System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicExpression.ParseLambda<D, bool>("Age > 45");

            var third = dynamics.Where(filter.Compile());

        public class D : DynamicObject {
            Person _p;

            public D(Person p) {
                _p = p;

            public Type Type => this._p.GetType();

            public override IEnumerable<string> GetDynamicMemberNames() {
                return new[] { "Age" };

            public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result) {
                var name = binder.Name;
                if (name == "Age") {
                    result = _p.Age;
                    return true;

                result = null;
                return false;

            public int Age => _p.Age;

        public class Person {
            public int Age { get; set; }

