首页 > 解决方案 > 使用结构指针显示一维数组



我尝试使用以下格式*(ptr).re*(ptr)[j].re 或仅(*ptr).re 来查看它们中的任何一个是否显示输入值

struct structure    //creating struct called structure to contain the real 
                         and imaginary parts of a complex vector 
    float Re;       //Data type float for Real part called Re
    float Im;       //Data type float for Imaginary part called Im

/*simple function for inputing user difined Re and Im values and storing them using a pointer to the sturct variable in the main function*/

void extract_Re_and_Im(structure *complex) 

printf("please enter the real number\n");   //this stores the real part

printf("please enter the Imaginary number\n");//this stores the Imaginary part

/*function with a return of pointer of data type sturcture.the function should store multiple complex vectors*/

structure *extract_array_of_Re_and_Im(structure*complex,int size_of_array,int i) 

structure complex_1[size_of_array];
i++; //this is a static variable in main
extract_Re_and_Im(complex); //this function allows user to input the complex vector and stores it into a varible in the function main by using a pointer

    return complex_1;

int main()
const int SIZE=9;//creating SIZE this specifies how many complex vectors the program holds

for(i;i<SIZE;i++)//a loop used to allow user to enter all the complex vectors 
extract_array_of_Re_and_Im(&complex_number,SIZE,i); //a function that creates a 1-D matrix of data type structure for storing user entered complex vectors 

//this stores the memory address thats returned by the function, the addr is for the 1-D matrix of data type structure

    printf("everything is ok\n");       //just a failure checker

for(int j=0;j<SIZE;j++) //this is a loop to display the user inputed data in the correct format N + J M
printf("your Re and Im numbers are %.2f and J%.2f\n",Ptr_for_complex[j].Re,Ptr_for_complex[j].Im); 

//this should display the contents of the structure array

我预计: 10 + J10 9 + J9 。. . 1 + J 1 但在 main 中返回 0 时一无所获并且出现非 0 错误

标签: c++c



structure *extract_array_of_Re_and_Im(structure*complex,int size_of_array,int i) 
    structure complex_1[size_of_array];
    i++; //this is a static variable in main
    extract_Re_and_Im(complex); //this function allows user to input the complex vector and stores it into a varible in the function main by using a pointer
    return complex_1;

有两种不同的方式是错误的。首先,它不是合法的 C++,因为在 C++ 中,数组大小必须是编译时常量。在您的代码size_of_array中是一个变量。






void extract_Re_and_Im(structure *complex) 
    printf("please enter the real number\n");   //this stores the real part
    scanf("%i", &complex->Re);
    printf("please enter the Imaginary number\n");//this stores the Imaginary part
    scanf("%i", &complex->Im);

int main()
    const int SIZE=9;
    structure complex_array[SIZE];
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)
        printf("your Re and Im numbers are %.2f and J%.2f\n", complex_array[j].Re, complex_array[j].Im); 
