首页 > 解决方案 > How is the cost of Stripe Connect Express different from Stripe Connect Custom?


I've read all the documentation on this I could find (maybe there is more?) and I'm still unclear on the $2 fee per active account per month.

If I am building a peer to peer e-commerce platform, let's say there are 100 active user accounts.

Of those 100, 10 active accounts sell goods and 90 active accounts are only purchasers of goods from those 10 sellers.

Would the $2 fee be for only the accounts that are selling? Or all 100? This would be a significant monthly cost difference at $20/month vs $200/month.

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

标签: stripe-payments


2 美元的费用是否仅适用于正在销售的账户?还是全部 100 个?

Stripe 有多种产品,您要问的是卖方。( https://stripe.com/en-nl/connect ) 连接账户允许您管理您的卖家 - 加入他们,验证他们(欺诈?),将资金转移到他们的连接账户并支付他们。

如果您想集成支付,您还需要Stripe Payments - https://stripe.com/en-nl/payments 通常按每笔交易收取付款,因此我会对潜在流量进行一些预测。



  1. 您的平台是在一个国家/地区运营还是有扩展计划?
  2. 所交易商品的平均价格是多少(如果您考虑支付成本——是否值得)?
  3. 你的卖家有风险吗?
  4. 你的买家有风险吗?
  5. 您的买家将使用什么样的付款方式?
  6. 您认为您的卖家想要定制的入职体验吗?你能证明额外的入职费用是合理的吗?


