首页 > 解决方案 > 我应该使用设计模式将抽象基类中的逻辑放在其他地方吗?


我目前正在开发一个 .NET 4.7.1 应用程序。我们在项目中不使用依赖注入。




public abstract class BaseVegetableHandler
   public virtual int HandleMessage(string message) => throw new NotImplementedException();

   // this method has logic which is used in some inheriting sub classes, but not all -> where should I put this logic?
   protected void SaveSalad(string vegetables) 
      // some logic, which is only used in some inheriting classes, but not all!

public class TomatoHandler : BaseVegetableHandler
   // Handle message is overriden in all inheriting sub classes
   public override HandleMessage(string message)
      // some logic and then:
      SaveSalad(vegetables); // => this method is implemented in my abstract base class, but not used in all inheriting classes, nor can be used in all inheriting classes... where should I put this logic?

// I thought about putting this logic into its own helper/handler class, this way I could just create a new instance in each class, that needs the logic:
public class SaladHelper
   public void SaveSalad(string vegetables) 
      // some logic

我不确定是否应该将 SaveSalad 的逻辑留在我的抽象基类中,还是将其放在其他地方?

您认为什么是某些逻辑的最佳位置,该逻辑由几个继承类使用,但不是全部 - 所有继承类都不能使用?


标签: c#design-patternsabstract-classdecorator

