首页 > 解决方案 > Haskell 中的复杂临时多态性




{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}

infixl 0 >>>

-- | Type class that allows applying a value of type @fn@ to some @m a@
class Apply m a fn b | a fn -> b where
  (>>>) :: m a -> fn -> m b

-- to later use it in following manner:

(Just False) >>> True -- same as True <$ ma
(Just True) >>> id -- same as id <$> ma
Nothing >>> pure Bool -- same as Nothing >>= const $ pure Bool
(Just "foo") >>> (\a -> return a) -- same as (Just "foo") >>= (\a -> return a)


instance (Functor m) => Apply m a b b where
  (>>>) m b = b <$ m

instance (Monad m) => Apply m a (m b) b where
  (>>>) m mb = m >>= const mb

instance (Functor m) => Apply m a (a -> b) b where
  (>>>) m fn = fmap fn m

instance (Monad m, a' ~ a) => Apply m a (a' -> m b) b where
  (>>>) m fn = m >>= fn



class Apply' (fnType :: FnType) m a fn b | a fn -> b where
  (>>>) :: m a -> fn -> m b

instance (Functor m) => Apply' Const m a b b where
  (>>>) m b = b <$ m

instance (Monad m) => Apply' ConstM m a (m b) b where
  (>>>) m mb = m >>= const mb

instance (Functor m, a ~ a') => Apply' Fn m a (a' -> b) b where
  (>>>) m mb = m >>= const mb

instance (Functor m, a ~ a') => Apply' Fn m a (a' -> m b) b where
  (>>>) m fn = m >>= fn

data FnType = Const | ConstM | Fn | FnM

type family ApplyT a where
  ApplyT (m a) = ConstM
  ApplyT (a -> m b) = FnM
  ApplyT (a -> b) = Fn
  ApplyT _ = Const

在这里,我遇到了几乎相同的问题,第一个实例通过fundep 与所有实例发生冲突。

我想要达到的最终结果有点类似于有时在 Scala 中使用的臭名昭著的磁铁模式。



-- | Monad to operate on
data Endpoint m a = Endpoint { runEndpoint :: Maybe (m a) } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

到目前为止,还没有太大的必要>>>在适当的位置提及操作符,因为用户可能会使用标准集来<$ | <$> | >>=代替。(实际上,不确定,>>=因为没有办法用 来Endpoint定义Monad


infixr 6 :::

-- | Let's introduce HList GADT
data HList xs where
  HNil :: HList '[]
  (:::) :: a -> HList as -> HList (a ': as)

-- Endpoint where a ~ HList
endpoint :: Endpoint IO (HList '[Bool, Int]) = pure $ True ::: 5 ::: HNil 

-- Some random function
fn :: Bool -> Int -> String
fn b i = show b ++ show i

fn <$> endpoint -- doesn't work, as fn is a function of a -> b -> c, not HList -> c

另外,想象一下函数fn也可能被定义m String为结果。这就是为什么我正在寻找一种方法来向 API 用户隐藏这种复杂性。

值得一提的是,我已经有一个类型类可以转换a -> b -> cHList '[a, b] -> c

标签: haskelltypeclass


如果目标是对HLists 进行抽象,那么就这样做。不要通过在每个参数中引入可能的 monad 包装器来混淆事情,事实证明它确实非常复杂。而是使用所有常用工具在功能级别进行包装和提升。所以:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

data HList a where
    HNil :: HList '[]
    (:::) :: x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)

class ApplyArgs args i o | args i -> o, args o -> i where
    apply :: i -> HList args -> o

instance i ~ o => ApplyArgs '[] i o where
    apply i _ = i

instance (x ~ y, ApplyArgs xs i o) => ApplyArgs (x:xs) (y -> i) o where
    apply f (x ::: xs) = apply (f x) xs
