首页 > 解决方案 > 反应性在 UITableViewCell


我正在尝试从 a 添加删除单元格,UITableView具体取决于UISegmentedControl其中一个内的a 中的值变化UITableViewCell

问题是存在循环依赖,并且 tableView 不断重新加载。我通过使用避免了这种无限重新加载,distinctUntilChanged但有时重新加载会被调用两次。


UITableViewCell 中的代码

extension CardTableViewCell {

    /// This function is called every time in `cellForRowAtIndexPath` for the tableView.

    func bind(viewModel: TableViewViewModel?) {
        self.viewModel = viewModel
        if let viewModel = viewModel {
                .flatMap { Driver.just($0 == 0)}
                .drive(onNext: { value in

                    print(">>>> VALUE CHANGED \(value)")

                // Here when I reload the table view this is called again and a cyclic dependency is created

                ) >>> disposeBag


⚠️ Reentrancy anomaly was detected.
  > Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/harshvishwakarma/Documents/GitHub/banking-app-ios/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:97 and observe the call stack.
  > Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
    This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
    Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
  > Interpretation: This could mean that there is some kind of unexpected cyclic dependency in your code,
    or that the system is not behaving in the expected way.
  > Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
    or by enqueing sequence events in some other way.

标签: iosswiftuitableviewrx-swift



如果你觉得 RxDataSources 太重了,那么你可以自己写一个简单的数据源。这是一个例子:https ://github.com/danielt1263/RxMultiCounter/blob/master/RxMultiCounter/RxExtensions/RxSimpleAnimatableDataSource.swift
