首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用scanf()和while循环将字符串从stdin读入c编程中的二维数组?


我正在编写 ac 代码以使用 scanf() 和 while 循环从 stdin 读取字符串(进入二维 char 数组)。我的策略是使用输入数组来临时存储每个字符串,然后将其分配给前字数组(固定大小)。但是,我的策略失败了,存储在我的数组中的所有字符串都是相同的(最后一个字符串输入)。如何解决?

我使用了 fgets() 并且它可以找到。但是,我不能用它来处理新的字符串行(来自标准输入)。我的 fgets() 只读取第一行,这就是我转向 scanf 和 while 循环的原因。

#define MAX 1000
#define size 50

int main ()
  int count = 0;
  char input[size];
  char * preword[MAX];
  while (scanf("%s",input)!= EOF){
    preword[count] = input;
    printf("preword[%d] is %s\n",count,preword[count]);

  printf("the count is %d\n",count);

  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){
    printf("preword[%d] is %s\n",i,preword[i]);
  return 0;


我希望来自 stdin 的输入数组将存储在二维 char 数组中。以下是编译后终端中的输出。我的输入是一个 txt 文件,其中我有

hello world 
I am a hero


preword[0] is hello
preword[1] is world
preword[2] is I
preword[3] is am
preword[4] is a
preword[5] is hero
the count is 6
preword[0] is hero
preword[1] is hero
preword[2] is hero
preword[3] is hero
preword[4] is hero
preword[5] is hero

标签: carrays



char * preword[MAX];


preword[count] = input;

正如@paddyinput在的每个元素中指出它的副本preword并且它是同一个指针,因为您没有为 分配内存preword[count],正确的方法是为每个指针分配内存然后复制。


#define MAX 1000
#define size 50
int main (void)
  int count = 0;
  char input[size] = {0};
  char * preword[MAX] = {0};
  size_t retStrCspn = 0;
  while (fgets(input, size, stdin) != NULL){
    /* remove trailing new line if its stored at end of buffer by fgets() */
    input[retStrCspn = strcspn(input, "\n")] = 0; /* remove the trailing & use the return value for allocating memory purpose \n */
    preword[count] = malloc(retStrCspn + 1); /* Allocate memory for each pointer elements */
    if(preword[count] != NULL) {
        memcpy (preword[count], input, retStrCspn + 1); /* copy input buffer into each different memory location */
        printf("preword[%d] is %s\n",count,preword[count]);
    else {
        /* @TODO malloc erro handling */
  printf("the count is %d\n",count);

  for (int i = 0; i < count && preword[i] != NULL; i++){
    printf("preword[%d] is %s\n",i,preword[i]);
    free(preword[count]); /* free dynamically allocated memory here*/
  return 0;
