首页 > 解决方案 > Excel 数组填充了 listobject 列范围的非空白值


我有一列列表对象,开头有一些非空值。假设前 15 个值不为空。


Dim mylistObject As ListObject
    Set mylistObject = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("training").ListObjects(1)

Dim theArray() As Variant
   theArray = mylistObject.listcolumn(1).DataBodyRange.value

问题是我怎样才能只传递非空白值。我知道如何使用循环来做到这一点,但这里的关键是速度,如果 listobject 有数百行并且操作完成了数十次,则需要太长时间。


任何想法?应该有一种方法可以用 VBA 语言来讲述

' but not all the range but the non empty ones.


标签: arraysexcelrangelistobject




  1. 获取原始帖子中已经显示的第一列的所有数据(包括空格)(顺便说一句,数组赋值中的正确语法是theArray = mylistObject.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.Value最后一个“s.ListColumns ” )

  2. Application.Index使用函数的高级特性和从属函数调用 ( getNonBlankRowNums())消除空白行号


   newArray = Application.Index(oldArray, Application.Transpose(RowArray), ColumnArray)

其中RowArray / ColumnArray代表(剩余)号或 的数组。

相关链接:Application.Index 函数的一些特性

Sub NonBlanks()
  ' Note: encourageing to reference a sheet via CodeName instead of Thisworkbook.Worksheets("training")
  '       i.e. change the (Name) property in the VBE properties tool window (F4) for the referenced worksheet
  '       (c.f. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58507542/set-up-variable-to-refer-to-sheet/58508735#58508735)
    Dim mylistObject As ListObject
    Set mylistObject = training.ListObjects(1)
  ' [1] Get data of first column (including blanks)
    Dim theArray As Variant
    theArray = mylistObject.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.Value   ' LISTCOLUMNS with final S!!

  ' [2] eliminate blank row numbers
    theArray = Application.Index(theArray, Application.Transpose(getNonBlankRowNums(theArray)), Array(1))

End Sub
Function getNonBlankRowNums(arr, Optional ByVal col = 1) As Variant()
' Purpose: return 1-dim array with remaining non-blank row numbers
  Dim i&, ii&, tmp
  ReDim tmp(1 To UBound(arr))
  For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
      If arr(i, col) <> vbNullString Then   ' check for non-blanks
          ii = ii + 1                       ' increment temporary items counter
          tmp(ii) = i                       ' enter row number
      End If
  Next i
  ReDim Preserve tmp(1 To ii)               ' redim to final size preserving existing items
' return function value (variant array)
  getNonBlankRowNums = tmp
End Function
