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Dim o = From c In myContext.Competitions.Include("CodeJusticeBranches").Include("CodeJusticeLocations").Include("CodeCompetitionTypes").Include("CodePositionTypes").Include("CompetitionPositions") _
        Where (pstrCompNum Is Nothing OrElse c.comp_number = pstrCompNum) _
          And (pstrCompYear Is Nothing OrElse c.comp_number.Length <= 8 And c.comp_number.StartsWith(strYear) = True) _
           Or (pstrCompYear Is Nothing OrElse c.comp_number.Length > 8 And c.comp_number.Substring(6, 2) = strYear) _
          And (pstrCompTypeId Is Nothing OrElse c.CodeCompetitionTypes.code_ct_id = CInt(pstrCompTypeId)) _
          And (pstrBranchId Is Nothing OrElse c.CodeJusticeBranches.code_branch_id = CInt(pstrBranchId)) _
          And (pstrPosTypeId Is Nothing OrElse c.CodePositionTypes.code_pos_type_id = CInt(pstrPosTypeId)) _
        Order By c.comp_number _
        Select c

If o.Count > 100 Then
    Throw New FaultException("Your search has returned more than 100 Competitions - please narrow your search")
    Return o.ToList
End If

数据库的设置方式,如果没有选择年份,如我只选择一个branchId,PosTypeId或CompTypeId,结果超过100个,所以不会返回列表。那不是问题。The problem comes when a year is selected as well as the other parameters (we're ignoring CompNum since we want multiple results, not a specific Num).


例如,如果我要求它查找 2019 年分支为 1、PosType 为 2 和 compType 为 3 的所有元素,它将返回 2019 年的所有元素。它将忽略其他搜索标准。


标签: sqlvb.netvisual-studio-2012


在 pstrCompYear 过滤器前后添加括号,因此 Or 不会影响其余条件。

And ((pstrCompYear Is Nothing OrElse c.comp_number.Length <= 8 And c.comp_number.StartsWith(strYear) = True) _
       Or (pstrCompYear Is Nothing OrElse c.comp_number.Length > 8 And c.comp_number.Substring(6, 2) = strYear)) _
