首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 json_normalize 对带有嵌套数组的 json 进行规范化


我想规范化以下 JSON:

        "studentId": 1,
        "studentName": "James",
        "schools": [
                "schoolId": 1,
                "classRooms": [
                        "classRoomId": {
                            "id": 1,
                            "floor": 2
                        "classRoomId": {
                            "id": 3
                "teachers": [
                        "teacherId": 1,
                        "teacherName": "Tom"
                        "teacherId": 2,
                        "teacherName": "Sarah"
                "schoolId": 2,
                "classRooms": [
                        "classRoomId": {
                            "id": 4
                "teachers": [
                        "teacherId": 1,
                        "teacherName": "Tom"
                        "teacherId": 2,
                        "teacherName": "Sarah"
                        "teacherId": 3,
                        "teacherName": "Tara"

我想在 Python 中获得下表(表格形式):

studentId studentName schoolId classRoomId.id classRoomId.floor teacherId 
1 James 1 1 2 1 Tom
1 James 1 1 2 2 Sarah
1 James 1 3   1 Tom
1 James 1 3   2 Sarah
1 James 2 4   1 Tom
1 James 2 4   2 Sarah
1 James 2 4   3 Tara

我试过像这样使用 Pandas json_normalize 函数:

df1 = json_normalize(test1, ["schools","teachers"], ["studentId", "studentName",["schools","teachers"]])
df2 = json_normalize(test1, ["schools","classRooms"], ["studentId", "studentName",["schools","classRooms"]])
df = pd.concat([df1,df2],axis=1)


它不必在 Pandas 中,Python 中的任何其他库或代码都可以。任何帮助都将不胜感激。谢谢你。

标签: pythonjsonpandas


因为classRoomsteachers形成了 JSON 的两个不同子树,您将不得不解析它们两次:

classrooms = pd.io.json.json_normalize(json_data, ['schools', 'classRooms'], meta=[
    ['schools', 'schoolId']

teachers = pd.io.json.json_normalize(json_data, ['schools', 'teachers'], meta=[
    ['schools', 'schoolId']

# Merge and rearrange the columns in the order of your sample output
classrooms.merge(teachers, on=['schools.schoolId', 'studentId']) \
    [['studentId', 'studentName', 'schools.schoolId', 'classRoomId.id', 'classRoomId.floor', 'teacherId', 'teacherName']]
