首页 > 解决方案 > LastModifiedProductVersion Property in SSIS Packages


I am using Visual Studio 2017 to manage an SSIS Project.

In the Solution Explorer, I

  1. Select the solution node and right mouse click and select "Properties
  2. Click Configuration Properties/General
  3. Select a Target Server Version of "SQL Server 2012" to match the target SQL Server

If I open up one of the packages in the solution with Notepad, it shows


Which, I believe, indicates a SQL Server 2012 level package.

However, if I make any changes to the package from within this solution, the packages is updated and this line is modified to


A version of 15 suggests SQL 2019.

Furthermore, I am really troubled by the fact that a Production package that successfully imports a file dies when running on my computer when it tried to import NULL values. I seem to have to set the "Retain Null Values" property on the Data Source to get it to work on mine. What is really bizarre is that when it runs in Production, it changes NULL date values to non-null values and I do not see any transformations, SQL, triggers or default values that can account for the imported date values getting non-null values in prod.

On my machine, again, it dies when null values are encountered, hence I am investigating package version difference and question why this SQL version property is being updated to reflect 2019 even though I try to target 2012.

My one explicit question is: does this suggest that my package is not saved as a SQL Server 2012 version package?


标签: sql-serverssis


我感觉到你的痛苦@ChadD!几年前,我犯了一个错误,将我的 Visual Studio 从 2012 BIDS 升级到 Visual Studio 2015 for SQL Server 2012。它导致 SSIS 和 SSAS 出现各种奇怪的行为,更不用说我打开的任何 SSRS 报告都会失败当重新部署到我们的服务器时。我什至尝试直接编辑文件的 XML 以进行更正,但这是徒劳的。

对我们最有效的方法,我建议您使用 2012 版工具创建一个 VM。这使得在遗留项目和新项目之间切换变得更加容易。我一直想尝试最新最好的工具,但在这种情况下不值得。为目标版本拥有一个专用的 VM 环境是我前进的道路!
