首页 > 解决方案 > Data Type different from reference table


I am creating a sample IRTC database that includes tables ticket and train_ticket_fare. I created a table ticket with a column as ticket_class varchar(6).
In the table train_ticket_fare, I referenced it using this ticket_class references ticket.

I re-created the tables to check but couldn't find the error.

SQL> desc ticket
 Name                    Null?    Type
----------------------- -------- ----------------
 PNR_NO                  NOT NULL NUMBER(10) 
 TRANSACTIONID                    NUMBER(10)
 FROM_STATION                     VARCHAR2(20)
 TO_STATION                       VARCHAR2(20)
 DATE_OF_JOURNEY                  DATE
 TICKET_CLASS                     VARCHAR2(6) //this
 DATE_OF_BOOKING                  DATE
 TICKET_FARE                      NUMBER(8,2)
 TRAIN_NUMBER                     NUMBER(5)

SQL> create table Train_Ticket_fare
  2    (
  3      train_number        references train,
  4      ticket_class        references ticket, //this
  5      base_fare           number(7,2),
  6      reservation_charge  number(6,2),
  7      superfast_charge    number(6,2),
  8      other_charge        number(6,2),
  9      tatkal_charge       number(6,2),
 10      service_tax         number(6,2),
 11      primary key(train_number, ticket_class)
 12    );

Table created.

SQL> desc Train_Ticket_fare
 Name                    Null?    Type
 ----------------------- -------- ----------------
 TICKET_CLASS            NOT NULL NUMBER(10)  //this
 BASE_FARE                        NUMBER(7,2)
 SUPERFAST_CHARGE                 NUMBER(6,2)
 OTHER_CHARGE                     NUMBER(6,2)
 TATKAL_CHARGE                    NUMBER(6,2)
 SERVICE_TAX                      NUMBER(6,2)

Resolved! Thanks @stickybit. The table Train_ticket_fare must have TICKET_CLASS as primary key which is to be referenced to the table Ticket. I did the opposite and referenced it wrong.

标签: sqldatabaseoracleoracle18c



create table train
( train_number        number(5) constraint train_pk primary key

create table ticket_class
( ticket_class        varchar2(6) constraint ticket_class_pk primary key

create table ticket
( pnr_no              number(10)  constraint ticket_pk primary key
, transactionid       number(10)
, from_station        varchar2(20)
, to_station          varchar2(20)
, date_of_journey     date
, ticket_class        references ticket_class
, date_of_booking     date
, ticket_fare         number(8,2)
, train_number        number(5)

create table train_ticket_fare
( train_number        references train
, ticket_class        references ticket_class
, base_fare           number(7,2)
, reservation_charge  number(6,2)
, superfast_charge    number(6,2)
, other_charge        number(6,2)
, tatkal_charge       number(6,2)
, service_tax         number(6,2)
, constraint train_ticket_fare primary key (train_number, ticket_class)

SQL> @desc train_ticket_fare
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 TRAIN_NUMBER                              NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 TICKET_CLASS                              NOT NULL VARCHAR2(6)
 BASE_FARE                                          NUMBER(7,2)
 RESERVATION_CHARGE                                 NUMBER(6,2)
 SUPERFAST_CHARGE                                   NUMBER(6,2)
 OTHER_CHARGE                                       NUMBER(6,2)
 TATKAL_CHARGE                                      NUMBER(6,2)
 SERVICE_TAX                                        NUMBER(6,2)

具有相同名称的表和列 (TICKET_CLASS) 并不好。它有效,但可能会导致模棱两可和混乱。避免这种情况的一种方法是使用复数形式命名表,例如 TRAINS、TICKET_CLASSES、TICKETS。
