首页 > 解决方案 > Custom response header columns in Firefox's Network Monitor


I am debugging caching on my website and have enabled some additional response headers indicating whether a request hit the cache and if not, an additional header with a reason. Through the built-in Network Monitor in Firefox I can check the response headers, but this is a tedious process for each request.

It is possible to add a response header as a column within Network Monitor however only common headers are available:

Firefox Network Monitor showing the Response Headers column options

Is it possible to add custom headers to this list such as X-Cacheable?

标签: debuggingfirefox-developer-tools


遗憾的是,目前(从 Firefox 68 开始)这是不可能的。错误 1377013中已经有一个请求,要求 添加一个 UI 来管理自定义响应标头。
