首页 > 解决方案 > 当有多个规范时,优化 Pandas 计算的良好做法是什么?




是否有一个很好的做法来找到如何优化 Pandas 代码?

这是一个示例,我有一个 DataFrame 表示包含 3 列的聊天交换:

目标是找出在 5 分钟内得到响应的消息的比例。这是我的代码:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime

size_df = 30000

data = {
    'timestamp': pd.date_range('2019-03-01', periods=size_df, freq='30S').astype(int),
    'sender_id': np.random.randint(5, size=size_df),
    'receiver_id': np.random.randint(5, size=size_df)

dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data)

这就是 DataFrame 的样子:

              timestamp  sender_id  receiver_id
0   1551398400000000000          4            2
1   1551398430000000000          3            2
2   1551398460000000000          1            1
3   1551398490000000000          4            3
4   1551398520000000000          4            3


def apply_find_next_answer_within_5_min(row):
        Find the index of the next response in a range of 5 minutes
    [timestamp, sender, receiver] = row
    ## find the next responses from receiver to sender in the next 5 minutes 
    next_responses = df_groups.get_group((receiver, sender))["timestamp"]\
                        .loc[lambda x: (x > timestamp) & (x < timestamp + 5 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)]
    ## if there is no next responses just return NaN
    if not next_responses.size:
        return np.nan
    ## find the next messages from sender to receiver in the next 5 minutes 
    next_messages = df_groups.get_group((sender, receiver))["timestamp"]\
            .loc[lambda x: (x > timestamp) & (x < timestamp + 5 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)]

    ## if the first next message is before next response return nan else return index next reponse
    return np.nan if next_messages.size and next_messages.iloc[0] < next_responses.iloc[0] else next_responses.index[0]

df_messages = dataframe.copy()
## create a dataframe to easily find messages from a specific sender and receiver, speed up the querying process for these messages.
df_groups = df_messages.groupby(["sender_id", "receiver_id"])
df_messages["next_message"] = df_messages.apply(lambda row: apply_find_next_answer_within_5_min(row), axis=1)


42 s ± 2.16 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

因此需要42 seconds将函数应用于30 000 rowsDataFrame。我认为它很长,但我找不到提高效率的方法。我已经40 seconds通过使用将发送者和接收者分组的中间数据帧而不是在应用函数中查询大数据帧而获得了收益。


1 - df_messages.next_message[lambda x: pd.isnull(x)].size / df_messages.next_message.size



标签: pythonpandasdataframeoptimizationapply



groups = dataframe.reset_index()\ #I reset_index for later to get the value
                  .groupby([ frozenset([se, re]) #need frosenset to allow the groupby
                             for se, re in dataframe[['sender_id', 'receiver_id']].values])


mask_1 = (  # within a group, check if the following message is sent from the other one
            # or if the person talks to oneself 
            | dataframe.sender_id.eq(dataframe.receiver_id) ) 
            # and check if the following message is within 5 min
            & groups.timestamp.diff(-1).gt(-5*60*1000*1000*1000))


df_messages.loc[mask_1, 'next_message'] = groups['index'].shift(-1)[mask_1]


print (df_messages.head(20))
              timestamp  sender_id  receiver_id  next_message
0   1551398400000000000          3            1           NaN
1   1551398430000000000          4            1           NaN
2   1551398460000000000          2            3           NaN
3   1551398490000000000          4            1           NaN
4   1551398520000000000          4            3           NaN
5   1551398550000000000          1            1           NaN
6   1551398580000000000          2            3          10.0
7   1551398610000000000          2            4           NaN
8   1551398640000000000          2            4           NaN
9   1551398670000000000          4            1           NaN
10  1551398700000000000          3            2           NaN
11  1551398730000000000          2            4           NaN
12  1551398760000000000          4            0          18.0
13  1551398790000000000          1            0           NaN
14  1551398820000000000          3            3          16.0
15  1551398850000000000          1            2           NaN
16  1551398880000000000          3            3           NaN
17  1551398910000000000          4            1           NaN
18  1551398940000000000          0            4           NaN
19  1551398970000000000          3            2           NaN
