首页 > 解决方案 > 宽格式:计算特定批次列的行均值的函数,然后按比例放大多个批次





capital_cities_df <-
 data.frame("europe_paris" = 1:10, 
           "europe_london" = 11:20, 
           "europe_rome" = 21:30,
           "asia_bangkok" = 31:40,
           "asia_tokyo" = 41:50,
           "asia_kathmandu" = 51:60)

capital_cities_df <- as.data.frame(lapply(capital_cities_df, 
function(cc) cc[ sample(c(TRUE, NA),
                         prob = c(0.70, 0.30),
                         size = length(cc), 
                         replace = TRUE) ]))

> capital_cities_df

   europe_paris europe_london europe_rome asia_bangkok asia_tokyo asia_kathmandu
1             1            NA          NA           NA         41             NA
2            NA            12          22           NA         42             52
3             3            NA          23           33         43             NA
4            NA            14          NA           NA         NA             NA
5            NA            15          25           35         45             NA
6             6            NA          NA           36         NA             56
7            NA            17          NA           NA         NA             57
8            NA            18          NA           38         48             NA
9            NA            19          NA           39         49             NA
10           10            NA          30           40         NA             60



continent_mean <- function(df, continent)  {
  df %>%
    select(starts_with(continent)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(!!quo_name(continent) := rowMeans(., na.rm = TRUE))

## works for a single case:
continent_mean(capital_cities_df, "europe")

   europe_paris europe_london europe_rome europe
1             1            NA          21     11
2             2            12          22     12
3             3            NA          23     13
4             4            14          NA      9
5            NA            15          25     20
6             6            16          26     16
7            NA            17          NA     17
8            NA            18          NA     18
9            NA            19          NA     19
10           10            20          30     20


  MARGIN = 2,
  FUN = continent_mean(capital_cities_df, continent = "europe")

Error in match.fun(FUN) : 
  'continent_mean(capital_cities_df, continent = "europe")' is not a function, character or symbol

中的任何其他参数组合apply()也不起作用,sapply. 这种不成功的使用尝试apply仅适用于我希望获得平均值的一种类型的列(“欧洲”)。但是,我的最终目标是能够通过c("europe", "asia", etc.)apply因此我可以一键获得自定义函数来为我指定的所有列组创建行均值列。



编辑 2019 年 8 月 19 日

我正在尝试 A. Suliman 建议的解决方案(见下文)。它确实适用于我在此处发布的示例数据,但在尝试将其扩展到我的真实数据集时不起作用,我需要对其他列进行子集化(而不仅仅是“大陆”批次)。更具体地说,在我的真实数据中,我有一个 ID 列,当我应用我的定制函数时,我想将它与其他数据一起输出。


capital_cities_df <- data.frame(
    "europe_paris" = 1:10,
    "europe_london" = 11:20,
    "europe_rome" = 21:30,
    "asia_bangkok" = 31:40,
    "asia_tokyo" = 41:50,
    "asia_kathmandu" = 51:60)
capital_cities_df <- as.data.frame(lapply(df, function(cc) cc[ sample(c(TRUE, NA),
                                                 prob = c(0.70, 0.30),
                                                 size = length(cc), 
                                                 replace = TRUE) ]))

id <- 1:10
capital_cities_df <- cbind(id, capital_cities_df)

> capital_cities_df

   id europe_paris europe_london europe_rome asia_bangkok asia_tokyo asia_kathmandu
1   1            1            NA          NA           NA         41             NA
2   2           NA            12          22           NA         42             52
3   3            3            NA          23           33         43             NA
4   4           NA            14          NA           NA         NA             NA
5   5           NA            15          25           35         45             NA
6   6            6            NA          NA           36         NA             56
7   7           NA            17          NA           NA         NA             57
8   8           NA            18          NA           38         48             NA
9   9           NA            19          NA           39         49             NA
10 10           10            NA          30           40         NA             60


continent_mean <- function(df, continent)  {
  df %>%
    select(., id, starts_with(continent)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(!!quo_name(continent) := rowMeans(., na.rm = TRUE))

> continent_mean(capital_cities_df, "europe") ## works in a single run

   id europe_paris europe_london europe_rome    europe
1   1            1            NA          NA  1.000000
2   2           NA            12          22 12.000000
3   3            3            NA          23  9.666667
4   4           NA            14          NA  9.000000
5   5           NA            15          25 15.000000
6   6            6            NA          NA  6.000000
7   7           NA            17          NA 12.000000
8   8           NA            18          NA 13.000000
9   9           NA            19          NA 14.000000
10 10           10            NA          30 16.666667

试图在单次使用之外应用该功能(基于 A. Suliman 的方法)——未成功

continents <- c("europe", "asia") 
lst <- lapply(continents, function(x) continent_mean(df=capital_cities_df[, grep(x, names(capital_cities_df))], continent=x))

## or:
purrr::map_dfc(continents, ~continent_mean(df=capital_cities_df[, grep(.x, names(capital_cities_df))], continent=.x))


inds_combine(.vars, ind_list) 中的错误:位置必须在 0 和 n 之间


错误:无效的列索引:变量的 NA:'NA' = 'NA'



标签: rdplyrapplysapply



continents <- c("europe", "asia") 
lst <- lapply(continents, function(x) continent_mean(df=capital_cities_df[, grep(x, names(capital_cities_df))], continent=x))
#To a dataframe not a list
do.call(cbind, lst)


purrr::map_dfc(continents, ~continent_mean(df=capital_cities_df[, grep(.x, names(capital_cities_df))], continent=.x))


#grep will return column positions when they match with "europe" or "asia", e.g
> grep("europe", names(capital_cities_df))
[1] 2 3 4
#If we need the column names then we add value=TRUE to grep 
> grep("europe", names(capital_cities_df), value = TRUE)
[1] "europe_paris"  "europe_london" "europe_rome" 


#NOTE: Here I'm using the old function without select
lst <- lapply(continents, function(x) continent_mean(df=capital_cities_df[, c('id',grep(x, names(capital_cities_df), value = TRUE))], continent=x))
do.call(cbind, lst)
id europe_paris europe_london europe_rome   europe id asia_bangkok asia_tokyo asia_kathmandu     asia
1   1            1            NA          NA  1.00000  1           NA         41             51 31.00000
2   2           NA            12          22 12.00000  2           NA         42             52 32.00000
3   3            3            13          23 10.50000  3           33         43             NA 26.33333
4   4           NA            14          NA  9.00000  4           NA         44             54 34.00000
5   5           NA            15          25 15.00000  5           35         45             55 35.00000
6   6            6            NA          NA  6.00000  6           36         46             56 36.00000
7   7            7            17          27 14.50000  7           NA         47             57 37.00000
8   8           NA            18          28 18.00000  8           38         48             NA 31.33333
9   9            9            19          29 16.50000  9           39         49             NA 32.33333
10 10           10            NA          30 16.66667 10           40         NA             60 36.66667

#We have one problem, id column gets duplicated, map_dfc with select will solve this issue
purrr::map_dfc(continents, ~continent_mean(df=capital_cities_df[, c('id',grep(.x, names(capital_cities_df), value = TRUE))], continent=.x)) %>%
#Don't select any column name ends with id followed by one digit


purrr::map_dfc(continents, ~continent_mean(df=capital_cities_df, continent=.x)) %>% 


continent_mean <- function(df, continent)  {
  df %>%
    select(., id, starts_with(continent)) %>%
    #Exclude id from the rowMeans calculation 
    dplyr::mutate(!!quo_name(continent) := rowMeans(.[grep(continent, names(.))], na.rm = TRUE))
