首页 > 解决方案 > How do I stop these self-referrals and get accurate referrals from our cross-domain eCommerce data?


Basically, I work for a theater and we send patrons to our primary website (we'll call this theater.org) to look at events and choose what tickets to buy and when they go to purchase tickets, we have put links in our primary webpages to our ticketing platform (we'll call this tickets.com).

Now, I have set up cross-domain tracking so that I can see people once they get onto tickets.com and see if they purchase a ticket. Great! But I can't really see where those people are specifically coming from because the referral source is always theater.org. I would like to see the original referral to theater.org that led to the purchase on tickets.com.

Here's what I've tried:

Additional info:

标签: google-analyticsgoogle-tag-manager


您需要确保tickets.com 和theater.org 都使用相同的Google Analytics(分析)媒体资源ID (UA-XXXXXXX-X),并在GTM 容器中为两个域配置了跨域跟踪。

