首页 > 解决方案 > 如何为共享客户的连接帐户创建条纹发票


我已经在我的 Stripe 平台帐户上成功创建了一个客户。现在,我想从我的一个连接帐户中为该客户创建一张发票。

连接帐户向客户提供了一项服务,现在将为客户开具付款发票 - 我正在使用 Stripe Invoice 功能。


我已按照https://stripe.com/docs/connect/shared-customers#making-tokens为我的平台客户创建令牌,然后使用该令牌创建连接帐户客户,如https://lorenzosfarra 所示。 com/2017/09/19/stripe-shared-customers/但我仍然收到相同的错误消息。即使似乎连接帐户引用已成功创建 - 由于没有返回错误,因此未找到生成的客户 ID。


public static async Task<string> CreateCustomerInvoice(string secretKey, string customerId, TenantBillHeaderModel billHeader)
            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = secretKey;

            var fees = await Database.GetAdminFees();
            var salesTax = await Database.GetCountrySalesTax(13);// Hardcoded for launch
            var billLines = await Database.GetTenantBillDetailForHeaderId(billHeader.TenantBillHeaderId);
            var stripeContact = await Database.GetStripeContact(UserInfo.Instance.Organisation.OrganisationId);
            InvoiceItemCreateOptions invoiceItemOptions = null;

            // Find Fee Percentage
            var tFee = billHeader.GrossAmount * (fees.FirstOrDefault(f => f.AdminFeeId == (int)Persistence.Enums.AdminFeeEnum.ConnectCut)).Percentage / 100;

            // Create token so that customer can be shared with Connect account - See https://stripe.com/docs/connect/shared-customers
            var customerTokenId = await CreateCustomerToken(secretKey, customerId, stripeContact.StripeConnectToken);

            //Associates customer with connect account so that it is shared with platform account
            var connectCustId = await CreateCustomerInConnectAccount(secretKey, customerTokenId, stripeContact.StripeConnectToken);

            foreach (var l in billLines)
                invoiceItemOptions = new InvoiceItemCreateOptions
                    Quantity = l.Quantity,
                    UnitAmount = Convert.ToInt64(l.Amount * 100), // Converting to cents for Stripe
                    Currency = "aud", // Hardcoded for launch
                    CustomerId = connectCustId,
                    Description = l.Name + " (" + l.Description + ")",
                    TaxRates = new List<string> {
                var itemService = new InvoiceItemService();
                InvoiceItem invoiceItem = await itemService.CreateAsync(invoiceItemOptions);

            var invoiceOptions = new InvoiceCreateOptions
                CustomerId = connectCustId,
                AutoAdvance = false, // do not auto-finalize this draft after ~1 hour
                CollectionMethod = "send_invoice", // Stripe will progress the a send state. However it will not email as this is trurned off in portal https://stripe.com/docs/billing/invoices/customizing
                ApplicationFeeAmount = Convert.ToInt64(tFee),
                Description = "Invoice for Advizr Bill: " + billHeader.BillNumber,
                DueDate = billHeader.DueDate

            var service = new InvoiceService();
            Invoice invoice = await service.CreateAsync(invoiceOptions);

            return invoice.Id;


public static async Task<string> CreateCustomerToken(string secretKey, string customerId, string stripeContactId)
            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = secretKey;
            RequestOptions requestOptions = null;

            var options = new TokenCreateOptions
                CustomerId = customerId,

            if (stripeContactId != null)
                requestOptions = new RequestOptions
                    StripeAccount = stripeContactId
            var service = new TokenService();
            Token token = await service.CreateAsync(options, requestOptions);

            return token.Id;


public static async Task<string> CreateCustomerInConnectAccount(string secretKey, string customerToken, string connectAccount)
            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = secretKey;

            var options = new CustomerCreateOptions
                Source = customerToken

            var requestOptions = new RequestOptions
                StripeAccount = connectAccount
            var service = new CustomerService();
            Customer customer = await service.CreateAsync(options, requestOptions);

            return customer.Id;




标签: asp.net-mvcstripe-payments


在登录并使用 Stripe Support 发出问题后,他们为我提供了答案。


var requestOptions = new RequestOptions
    StripeAccount = stripeContact.StripeConnectToken


var itemService = new InvoiceItemService();
InvoiceItem invoiceItem = await itemService.CreateAsync(invoiceItemOptions, requestOptions);


var service = new InvoiceService();
Invoice invoice = await service.CreateAsync(invoiceOptions, requestOptions);

