首页 > 解决方案 > Zapier StoreClient 未定义


我正在尝试在类似于此处的文档的调用之间存储状态:https ://zapier.com/apps/code/help#code-examples

但是,我尝试从 Zap 运行代码,我得到:

StoreClient 未定义

文档指出我不需要任何东西来使用 StoreClient:“不需要它 - 它是在您的代码环境中预先导入的。”

我使用的是最新版本的 zapier-platform-core (8.3.0)。我正在使用上面链接的示例中的确切代码。

 const count = await store.get('some counter')
 const newCount = (count || 0) + 1;
 await store.set('some counter', count);
 return {count: newCount};

标签: zapierzapier-cli


大卫在这里,来自 Zapier 平台团队。好问题!

根据文档,这有点不清楚 -StoreClient仅在 Code 应用程序(又名Code by Zapier)中可用。如果您正在使用zapier-platform-core,则您正在创建一个 cli 应用程序,它是一个 vanilla node.js 环境。如果您想从 cli 应用程序中进行交互Storage by Zapier,您可以使用网站上的文档:https ://store.zapier.com 。即:

  "how does it work?": {
    "always provide either `?secret=12345` or `X-Secret: 12345`": "",
    "GET /api/secret": [
      "will return a random secret for you to use if you need one."
    "GET /api/records": [
      "will return a full object of all values stored by default.",
      "you can also specify only the keys you want via the",
      "querystring like`?key=color&key=age`."
    "POST /api/records": [
      "provide a body with a json object with keys/values you want",
      "to store like `{\"color\": \"blue\", \"age\": 29}`."
    "DELETE /api/records": ["completely clear all the records in this account"],
    "PATCH /api/records": [
      "A data with a particular schema needs to be received.",
      "The schema specifies which action to do and with what parameters.",
      "For example {\"action\": \"increment_by\", \"data\": {\"key\": \"<key_name>\", \"amount\": 1}} to increment the value specified by \"key\"."

可以使用标准向这些端点发出请求,该标准z.request在此处有详细记录:https ://github.com/zapier/zapier-platform/tree/master/packages/cli#making-http-requests
