首页 > 解决方案 > 应用过渡和变换的不同方式?


我分别在我的盒子 div 集合的第一个孩子和其他孩子上应用悬停变换。但是,当我将鼠标悬停在第一个孩子之外时,这会导致一个问题,因为第一个孩子和其他孩子的转换属性仍然相同,但转换不同。因此,我正在寻找其他方法来对第一个孩子应用过渡。

每个网格上第一个项目的悬停问题 - https://netflix-clone-by-shivam.herokuapp.com/

我尝试在解决问题的转换属性上使用 not(:first-child) ,但现在它没有转换。我还尝试使用 javascript 添加过渡属性,但它使过渡的问题又回来了。

//react - mapping over collectionItems is returning divs with class box

 <div className="preview">  

        ? (movieData.map(({id, ...otherProps}) => <CollectionItem key={id} {...otherProps} />))
        : null
        ? (tvData.map(({id, ...otherProps}) => <CollectionItem key={id} {...otherProps} />))
        : null



.preview {
display: flex;

cursor: pointer;

&:hover {
  .box {
    transform: translateX(-25%); //moves items on the left by 25%

.box:hover ~ .box {
  transform: translateX(25%); //moves items on the right by 25%

.box:first-child:hover ~ .box {
 transform: translateX(50%); //moves items to the right of firstchild by 50%

.box {
  &:not(:first-child) {
  transition: transform 300ms ease 100ms;

  &:hover {
    transform: scale(1.5);
  &:hover:first-child {
    transform-origin: left;
    transform: scale(1.5);


标签: csscss-transitions


You don't need to handle it separately. You simply need to set your transform-origin: left; on :first-child only (no hover). By placing it in :hover it is only is applied on hover vs on hover and hover out. Try replacing your current .box block at the end of your code with this:

.box {
    transition: transform 300ms ease 100ms;
    &:first-child { /* should only be &:fist-child */
      transform-origin: left;
    &:hover {
      transform: scale(1.5);
