首页 > 解决方案 > 在我尝试打印在 python 中的 if 语句中创建的变量后,我的代码中出现名称错误




price_of_parcel = float(input(" enter the price of parcel in rands (R) : R "))
total_distance = float(input(" enter the total distance to the parcel destination in (km): km "))
parcel_route = input(" do you want it by Air or Freight? (Air / Freight): ").strip().lower()
parcel_insurance = input(" do u want full insurance or limited insurance? ( Full / Limited) : ").strip().lower()
parcel_nature = input(" do you want parcel as gift or as no gift? (Gift / No Gift) : ").strip().lower()
parcel_urgency = input( " do you want a standard or priority delivery? ( Priority / Standadard ) : ").strip().lower()

if parcel_route == "Air" :
    p_route = total_distance * 0.36
    totalcost = p_route 

if parcel_route == " freight " :
    p_route =  total_distance * 0.25
    totalcost = p_route

if parcel_insurance == " full " :
    p_insurance = 50.00
    totalcost = p_route + p_insurance

if parcel_insurance == " limited " : 
    p_insurance = 25.00
    totalcost = p_route + p_insurance

if parcel_nature == " gift" :
    p_gift = 15.00
    totalcost = p_route + p_insurance + p_gift

if parcel_nature == " no gift " :
    p_gift = 0
    totalcost = p_route + p_insurance + p_gift

if parcel_urgency == " Priority" :
    urgency = 50.00
    totalcost = p_route + p_insurance + p_gift + urgency

if parcel_urgency == " standard " :
    urgency = 20.00
    totalcost = p_route + p_insurance + p_gift + urgency

if  parcel_route == "air" and (parcel_insurance == " full" or "limited") and (parcel_nature == "gift" or "no gift") and (parcel_urgency == "priority" or "standard"):
    totalcost = totalcost = p_route + p_insurance + p_gift + urgency
    print( " the total cost for the parcel is : " + str(totalcost))

    if parcel_route == "freight" and (parcel_insurance == " full" or "limited") and (parcel_nature == "gift" or "no gift") and (parcel_urgency == "priority" or "standard"):
        totalcost = p_route + p_insurance + p_gift + urgency
        print( " the total cost for the parcel is : " + str( totalcost))

名称错误表明在 if 语句中创建的变量未定义。


标签: python



parcel_route = input(" do you want it by Air or Freight? (Air / Freight): ").strip().lower()

parcel_route是一个小写的字符串,没有尾随或前导空格。因为你用过strip() and lower()


if parcel_route == "Air" :
    p_route = total_distance * 0.36
    totalcost = p_route 

if parcel_route == " freight " :
    p_route =  total_distance * 0.25
    totalcost = p_route

