首页 > 解决方案 > (R) 比较多个 csv 文件并添加缺失值/观察值


这是一篇重新编辑的帖子 - 原帖不够清晰,但我希望这篇文章得到足够的改进

我有大约 400 个 .csv 文件,所有这些文件都有相同数量的列(总共 7 个)。每天生成一个文件(因此它们是单独的文件,我希望暂时保持这种方式)。由于获取数据时出现问题,这些文件中的一堆(大约 30 个左右连续的文件)在其中一列中缺少数据:Programme_Duration. 这些数据很有可能存在于一个或多个其他“完整”文件中(我不会详细说明如何/为什么,但数据中有很多重复)。





  1. 创建一个数据框,它结合了所有 370 个“完整”的 csv 文件(我们称之为 df_complete)。
  2. 读入第一个“不完整”文件(我们称之为incomplete_file)。
  3. df_complete标识列之间和列incomplete_file的任何匹配行Programme_Synopsis_url
  4. 如果匹配,则将相关行的内容从Programme_Durationfrom复制df_complete到 的对应行Programme_Durationincomplete_file
  5. 写出。
  6. 重复,即遍历所有 30 个“不完整”文件。

其中一些我可以做到(步骤 1、2、5 和 6!)但重要的中间部分让我难过。希望这次帖子更清楚。对此的任何帮助将不胜感激!



在我分享对我有用的代码之前,还有一个免责声明:这是一个非常独特和不寻常的问题。我认为我在原来的帖子中解释得不是特别好(主要是因为我对这个领域的无知)。事实上,我在执行此操作时还面临其他几个重要因素/挑战 - 例如,我必须保留“不完整”文件中行的原始顺序(我通过简单地添加一个名为 的新列来解决这个问题index,以便可以恢复行的原始顺序)。



### First, create data.frame from "complete" csv files ###
folder_complete <-"insert path here"
df_list_complete <- list.files(path=folder_complete, pattern="*.csv", full.names = TRUE)
df_complete = ldply(df_list_complete, read_csv)

### Then, read in and edit "incomplete" files one at a time using for loop ### 
### Note "incomplete" files are in a different director - this was set during the session ###
filenames <- dir(pattern = "*.csv")
for (i in 1:length(filenames)) {
    tmp <- read.csv(filenames[i], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ### Merge / Identify matches between "complete" data.frame and "incomplete" 
    file ### 
    ### using "Programme Synopsis" as the unique column ###
    tmp_new <- merge(tmp, df_complete, by = "Programme_Synopsis")
    ### Delete any rows with NAs in specific columns - ###
    ### I did this because the previous step matched empty rows for these columns, and I didn't want these ###
    tmp_new <- distinct(tmp_new,Programme_Synopsis_url.x, .keep_all = TRUE)
    tmp_new <- distinct(tmp_new,Programme_Duration.y, .keep_all = TRUE)
    ### Delete Duplicate columns - merging created several duplicate columns (.y, .x) ###
    ### I only wanted to add the matching "Programme Duration" column from the "complete" data.frame to the "incomplete" file ###
    ### but wasn't sure how to do this. ###
    ### Instead, I had to retrospectively remove the duplicate columns ###
    tmp_new <- tmp_new[ -c(2:7) ]
    ### Rename columns ###
    tmp_new2 <- rename(tmp_new, c("Programme_Synopsis_url.y" = 
    "Programme_Duration.y" = "Programme_Duration",
    "Programme_Category.y" = "Programme_Category", 
    "Programme_Availability.y" = "Programme_Availability", 
    "Programme_Genre.y" = "Programme_Genre", 
    "Programme_Title.y" = "Programme_Title"))
    ### Merge (again!) using plyr Join function ###
    df <- join(tmp_new2, tmp, by = "Programme_Synopsis_url", type = "full")
    ### Delete any without an index ###
    ### (i.e. those that don't belong in this dataframe) ###
    df <- df[!is.na(df$index), ]
    ### Re-order by original index ###
    df <- df[order(df$index), ]
    ### Remove duplicated index columns ###
    df$index.x <- NULL
    df$index.y <- NULL
    ### Write out the new file ###
    write.csv(df, filenames[[i]], row.names = FALSE)


标签: rcsvmergemissing-data






# assuming you have all csv files in the same location
basedir <- choose.dir()
fnames <- dir(path = basedir, pattern = '.*csv', all.files = T, full.names = T, recursive = F)

# names for the columns you want to read, using alphabets as an example 
column_names <- LETTERS[1:7]

big_list <- lappply(fnames, function(fname){
  dat <- fread(file = fname, select = 1:7, col.names = column_names)

  # test for empty column, say, column B 
  if( dat[!is.na(B), .N] < nrow(dat)){
    dat$type <- 'imcomplete'
    dat$type <- 'complete'


# combine them all into one list
big_data <- rbindlist(l = big_list, use.names = T, fill = T)

# set column B as the key
setkey(big_data, 'B')

complete <- big_data[type == 'complete']
incomplete <- big_data[type == 'incomplete']




# sample for complete
complete <- as.data.table(mtcars)

# sample for incomplete
incomplete <- as.data.table(mtcars[1:20, ])

# set some values to NA - examples of missing data
incomplete[runif(5, 1, .N), mpg := NA]


> incomplete[is.na(mpg), .N]
[1] 5


# I used the on argument on two variables 
# because both wt and qsec are not unique for each observation
setDT(incomplete)[complete, mpg := i.mpg, on = .(wt, qsec)]


> incomplete[is.na(mpg), .N]
[1] 0

# Verifying that we have the right values filled in
> identical(complete[1:20, ], incomplete)
[1] TRUE

要写出结果,您可以使用fwrite(complete, 'complete.csv'). 如果需要,您可以省略该type列。
