首页 > 解决方案 > 在excel vba中的行上循环


我需要 Excel 帮助。我的问题是:如何获取此循环中每一行的第一行并打印输出。


    col1  col2   col3

    1    test    abc

    2    tests   dfg

    3    gtd     gdd




    For i = 1 To LastRow
        For j = 3 To LastCol
            If IsNumeric(Cells(i, j)) & Cells(i, j) > 0 = True Then
              vaString = vaString & Cells(i, j)
            End If
            If j <> LastCol Then vaString = vaString & ","
            If j = LastCol Then vaString = vaString
        Next j
            myString = myString                  
    Next i


标签: excelvba


根据您的参数,我将假设您的数据从单元格 C1 开始。如果不是,请更改前几行。

Sub Testing()
Dim FirstRow As Integer, FirstCol As Integer, LastRow As Integer, LastCol As Integer
FirstRow = 1
FirstCol = 3
LastRow = 4
LastCol = 5

Dim arrStr() As String
Dim strFirstRow As String
Dim strPath As String
strPath = "C:\..." ' Path of your choice
Open strPath For Append As #1

ReDim arrStr(FirstCol To LastCol)
For j = FirstCol To LastCol
    arrStr(j) = CStr(Cells(FirstRow, j))
Next j
strFirstRow = "(" & Join(arrStr, ",") & ")"

For i = FirstRow + 1 To LastRow
    If IsNumeric(Cells(i, FirstCol).Value) Then
        If Cells(i, FirstCol).Value > 0 Then
            ReDim arrStr(FirstCol To LastCol)
            For j = FirstCol To LastCol
                arrStr(j) = "'" & CStr(Cells(i, j)) & "'" 
            Next j
            Debug.Print strFirstRow & "(" & Join(arrStr, ",") & ");"
            Print #1, strFirstRow & "(" & Join(arrStr, ",") & ");"
        End If
    End If
Next i
Close #1
End Sub
