首页 > 解决方案 > 完成文档签名后无法获取 webhook 数据




function send_document_for_signing(){
    # The document $fileNamePath will be sent to be signed by <signer_name>
    # Settings
    # Fill in these constants
    # Obtain an OAuth access token from https://developers.docusign.com/oauth-token-generator
    $accessToken = 'myAccessTokes';
    # Obtain your accountId from demo.docusign.com -- the account id is shown in the drop down on the
    # upper right corner of the screen by your picture or the default picture.
    $accountId = '';
    # Recipient Information:
    $signerName = '';
    $signerEmail = '';
    # The document you wish to send. Path is relative to the root directory of this repo.
    $fileNamePath = 'test/Docs/SignTest1.pdf';

    # The API base_path
    $basePath = 'https://demo.docusign.net/restapi';

    # Constants
    $appPath = getcwd();

    # Step 1. The envelope definition is created.
    #         One signHere tab is added.
    #         The document path supplied is relative to the working directory
    # Create the component objects for the envelope definition...
    $contentBytes = file_get_contents($appPath . "/" . $fileNamePath);
    $base64FileContent =  base64_encode ($contentBytes);
    $document = new DocuSign\eSign\Model\Document([ # create the DocuSign document object
        'document_base64' => $base64FileContent,
        'name' => 'Example document', # can be different from actual file name
        'file_extension' => 'pdf', # many different document types are accepted
        'document_id' => '1' # a label used to reference the doc

    $envelope_events = [
        (new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\EnvelopeEvent())->setEnvelopeEventStatusCode("sent"),

    $recipient_events = [
        (new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\RecipientEvent())->setRecipientEventStatusCode("Completed"),


    $event_notification = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\EventNotification();

    # The signer object
    $signer = new DocuSign\eSign\Model\Signer([
        'email' => $signerEmail, 'name' => $signerName, 'recipient_id' => "1", 'routing_order' => "1"

    # Next, create the top level envelope definition and populate it.
    $envelopeDefinition = new DocuSign\eSign\Model\EnvelopeDefinition([
        'email_subject' => "Please sign this document",
        'documents' => [$document], # The order in the docs array determines the order in the envelope
        'recipients' => new DocuSign\eSign\Model\Recipients(['signers' => [$signer]]), # The Recipients object wants arrays for each recipient type
        'status' => "sent", # requests that the envelope be created and sent.
    #  Step 2. Create/send the envelope.
    $config = new DocuSign\eSign\Configuration();
    $config->addDefaultHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " . $accessToken);
    $apiClient = new DocuSign\eSign\Client\ApiClient($config);
    $envelopeApi = new DocuSign\eSign\Api\EnvelopesApi($apiClient);
    $results = $envelopeApi->createEnvelope($accountId, $envelopeDefinition);
    return $results;


因为我已经分配了一个url 我想收到我对已完成文档的回复的内容,因为我想在那里进行一些处理。但它没有返回响应,我无法获取完整的文档响应。



$data = file_get_contents('php://input');

file_put_contents('data.txt', $data);

标签: docusignapi


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有关连接日志的信息,请参见此处 - https://support.docusign.com/guides/ndse-admin-guide-connect
