首页 > 解决方案 > 使用参数将 AppleScript 编译到应用程序中


有一个 AppleScript 方法:

on displayError(theErrorMessage)
    display dialog theErrorMessage
    return "done"
end displayError

我想编译这个脚本并将参数传递到(而不是用 osascript 运行它!)My_Application.app


osacompile - o My_Application.app My_Script.applescript "This is error message as parameter" 

在这种情况下,我将编译可以运行的应用程序。寻找有关如何使用传递参数准确编译脚本的命令。由于编译需要很多时间 - 我只想做那些。运行My_Application.app后,速度比通过 osascript 快几倍。如果输入参数更改 - 只需重新编译应用程序。


标签: applescriptosascript


要获取 AppleScript应用程序的命令行参数,您可以通过一些AppleScriptObjC使用NSProcessInfo。主要问题是没有一种方便的方法可以将结果返回到命令行,因此您需要执行其他操作,例如写入文件。



use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

on run
    set arguments to (current application's NSProcessInfo's processInfo's arguments) as list
    if first item of arguments contains "osascript" then set arguments to rest of arguments -- skip osascript path
    if (count arguments) is 1 then set end of arguments to "no arguments"
    repeat with anItem in rest of arguments -- skip the main executable path
    end repeat
    # osascript still returns the last result
end run

on displayError(theErrorMessage)
    display dialog theErrorMessage
    return "done"
end displayError


/path/to/application.app/Contents/MacOS/applet "this is a test" "Another test"
open /path/to/application.app --args "this is a test" "Another test"
osascript /path/to/script.scpt "this is a test" "another test"

要使用脚本的参数来编译AppleScript 应用程序,您可以在源文件中使用占位符文本,然后使用脚本或文本编辑器来替换它。然后可以使用osacompile shell 实用程序将源代码编译到应用程序中。它采用文本或脚本文件,结果基于输出文件的扩展名(-o选项)。


Test.applescript 文件(这将用作模板 - 占位符文本将在编辑的输出文件中替换):

display dialog "This is a test.
It is only a test.

The date is ##DATE##
Some name: ##NAME##
An Identifier: ##ID##

End of test."


use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

global arg1 -- this will be the replacement for the NAME parameter
global arg2 -- this will be the replacement for the ID parameter

on run -- example
        set arguments to (current application's NSProcessInfo's processInfo's arguments) as list
        if first item of arguments contains "osascript" then set arguments to rest of arguments
        set arguments to rest of arguments
        if (count arguments) < 2 then set arguments to getArguments()
        set {arg1, arg2} to arguments
        processFile(choose file with prompt "Choose the AppleScript source text file:" of type "com.apple.applescript.text")
    on error errmess
        display alert "Error" message errmess
    end try
end run

to getArguments()
    set theName to text returned of (display dialog "Enter 'Name' parameter:" default answer "Jane Scripter")
    set theID to text returned of (display dialog "Enter 'Identifier' parameter:" default answer "42")
    return {theName, theID}
end getArguments

to processFile(theFile) -- get a list of file items for fixPlaceholders
    set outputFile to (((path to desktop) as text) & "edited.applescript")
    set datePlaceholder to "##DATE##"
    set namePlaceholder to "##NAME##"
    set idPlaceholder to "##ID##"
    set _date to " -e \"s/" & datePlaceholder & "/`date '+%m-%d-%y'`/g\" "
    set _name to " -e \"s/" & namePlaceholder & "/" & arg1 & "/g\" "
    set _id to " -e \"s/" & idPlaceholder & "/" & arg2 & "/g\" "
    set theFile to theFile as text
    set output to (do shell script "cat " & quoted form of ((POSIX path of theFile)) & " | sed " & _date & _name & _id)
    (my output:output toFile:outputFile)
    do shell script "osacompile -o " & quoted form of POSIX path of (((path to desktop) as text) & "Finished.app") & space & quoted form of POSIX path of outputFile
end processFiles

to output:someThing toFile:someFile
        set fileRef to (open for access someFile with write permission)
        set eof of fileRef to 0 -- clear any existing
        write someThing to fileRef -- overwrite
        close access fileRef
    on error errmess
        log errmess
        try -- make sure file is closed on any error
            close access fileRef
        end try
    end try
end output:toFile:


open /path/to/application.app --args "First, Last" "Yep, looks like you."

