首页 > 解决方案 > 是什么导致 [错误] WSREP:在恢复时无法从 Galera 节点中的 '' 解析 UUID


有一个 Galera 集群在 docker 容器上运行,该集群由 kubernetes 管理,从过去 1 周开始有 3 个节点,但突然 galera-0 节点关闭并且无法恢复。


[ERROR] WSREP: could not parse UUID from ''

2019-08-29 7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: Setting initial position to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1


Group state: 3cc86b15-b805-11e9-a7e5-f687881917cc:41060224
Local state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1


2019-08-29 7:19:52 140524983352064 [Warning] WSREP: Failed to prepare for incremental state transfer: Local state UUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) does not match group state UUID (3cc86b15-b805-11e9-a7e5-f687881917cc): 1 (Operation not permitted) at galera/src/replicator_str.cpp:prepare_for_IST():482. IST will be unavailable.

galera 崩溃节点的完整日志:

root@ip-172-31-26-54:/home/ubuntu/zm-load-testing# kubectl logs -f zmc-galera-0
zmc-galera-0 - Creating /root/.my.cnf...
zmc-galera-0 - /etc/mysql/conf.d/zmc-galera.cnf:
#value should be further increased for bulky hosts
# Value is: 200 + max_connections + 2 * table_open_cache

# Galera Provider Configuration
# BitMask on when to enforces strict cluster-wide causality checks
wsrep_provider_options="gcache.size=300M; gcache.page_size=300M"
# Galera Cluster Configuration
# Value is: 4 * number of dedicated cores
# Galera Synchronization Configuration
ERROR 2005 (HY000): Unknown MySQL server host 'zmc-galera-1.zmc-galera' (-2)
cluster state=CLUSTER_RUNNING
zmc-galera-0 - Rejoining a running cluster...
zmc-galera-0 - Checking cluster state file for valid seqno...
zmc-galera-0 - Need to recover seqno from database
zmc-galera-0 - This is the seqno recovered from the database: -1.
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100    75  100    63  100    12  10500   2000 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 12500
cluster addr from svc-coordinator:,,,,
zmc-galera-0 - Creating init file /var/lib/mysql/.initialized...
zmc-galera-0 - Starting the database...
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] mysqld (mysqld 10.1.35-MariaDB-1~bionic) starting as process 1 ...
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: Read nil XID from storage engines, skipping position init
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): loading provider library '/usr/lib/galera/libgalera_smm.so'
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): Galera 25.3.23(r3789) by Codership Oy <info@codership.com> loaded successfully.
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: CRC-32C: using hardware acceleration.
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [ERROR] WSREP: could not parse UUID from ''
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: Found saved state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1, safe_to_bootstrap: 0
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: Passing config to GCS: base_dir = /var/lib/mysql/; base_host =; base_port = 4567; cert.log_conflicts = no; debug = no; evs.auto_evict = 0; evs.delay_margin = PT1S; evs.delayed_keep_period = PT30S; evs.inactive_check_period = PT0.5S; evs.inactive_timeout = PT15S; evs.join_retrans_period = PT1S; evs.max_install_timeouts = 3; evs.send_window = 4; evs.stats_report_period = PT1M; evs.suspect_timeout = PT5S; evs.user_send_window = 2; evs.view_forget_timeout = PT24H; gcache.dir = /var/lib/mysql/; gcache.keep_pages_size = 0; gcache.mem_size = 0; gcache.name = /var/lib/mysql//galera.cache; gcache.page_size = 300M; gcache.recover = no; gcache.size = 300M; gcomm.thread_prio = ; gcs.fc_debug = 0; gcs.fc_factor = 1.0; gcs.fc_limit = 16; gcs.fc_master_slave = no; gcs.max_packet_size = 64500; gcs.max_throttle = 0.25; gcs.recv_q_hard_limit = 9223372036854775807; gcs.recv_q_soft_limit = 0.25; gcs.sync_donor = no; gmcast.segment = 0; gmcast.version = 0; pc.announce_timeout = PT3S; pc.checksum = false; pc.i
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 3cc86b15-b805-11e9-a7e5-f687881917cc:0 -> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: -1, protocol version: -1
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_sst_grab()
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: Start replication
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: Setting initial position to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: protonet asio version 0
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: Using CRC-32C for message checksums.
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: backend: asio
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: gcomm thread scheduling priority set to other:0
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: restore pc from disk successfully
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: GMCast version 0
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: (da31cd92, 'tcp://') listening at tcp://
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: (da31cd92, 'tcp://') multicast: , ttl: 1
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: EVS version 0
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connecting to group 'zmc-galera', peer ',,,,'
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: (da31cd92, 'tcp://') connection established to da31cd92 tcp://
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Warning] WSREP: (da31cd92, 'tcp://') address 'tcp://' points to own listening address, blacklisting
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: (da31cd92, 'tcp://') connection established to 9fd5389f tcp://
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: (da31cd92, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting on, nonlive peers:
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: (da31cd92, 'tcp://') connection established to 6e5593b7 tcp://
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: declaring 6e5593b7 at tcp:// stable
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: declaring 9fd5389f at tcp:// stable
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: Node 6e5593b7 state prim
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: view(view_id(PRIM,6e5593b7,243) memb {
} joined {
} left {
} partitioned {
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: save pc into disk
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: discarding pending addr without UUID: tcp://
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: discarding pending addr proto entry 0x7fce8204cf00
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: discarding pending addr without UUID: tcp://
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: discarding pending addr proto entry 0x7fce8204d040
2019-08-29  7:19:51 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: clear restored view
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connected
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: Changing maximum packet size to 64500, resulting msg size: 32636
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: Shifting CLOSED -> OPEN (TO: 0)
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: Opened channel 'zmc-galera'
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983666688 [Note] WSREP: Waiting for SST to complete.
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524505790208 [Note] WSREP: New COMPONENT: primary = yes, bootstrap = no, my_idx = 2, memb_num = 3
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524505790208 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: Waiting for state UUID.
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524505790208 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: sent state msg: 6473ce8b-ca2d-11e9-a3c1-ae9c9b27f45d
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524505790208 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 6473ce8b-ca2d-11e9-a3c1-ae9c9b27f45d from 0 (zmc-galera-1)
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524505790208 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 6473ce8b-ca2d-11e9-a3c1-ae9c9b27f45d from 1 (zmc-galera-2)
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524505790208 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 6473ce8b-ca2d-11e9-a3c1-ae9c9b27f45d from 2 (zmc-galera-0)
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524505790208 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results:
        version    = 4,
        component  = PRIMARY,
        conf_id    = 232,
        members    = 2/3 (joined/total),
        act_id     = 41060224,
        last_appl. = -1,
        protocols  = 0/8/3 (gcs/repl/appl),
        group UUID = 3cc86b15-b805-11e9-a7e5-f687881917cc
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524505790208 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [28, 28]
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524505790208 [Note] WSREP: Trying to continue unpaused monitor
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524505790208 [Note] WSREP: Shifting OPEN -> PRIMARY (TO: 41060224)
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983352064 [Note] WSREP: State transfer required:
        Group state: 3cc86b15-b805-11e9-a7e5-f687881917cc:41060224
        Local state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983352064 [Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state: 3cc86b15-b805-11e9-a7e5-f687881917cc:41060224, view# 233: Primary, number of nodes: 3, my index: 2, protocol version 3
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983352064 [Warning] WSREP: Gap in state sequence. Need state transfer.
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524476430080 [Note] WSREP: Running: 'wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/var/lib/mysql/'   --parent '1'  '' '
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983352064 [Note] WSREP: Prepared SST request: rsync|
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983352064 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification.
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983352064 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 8 (3, 2)
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983352064 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: 41060224, protocol version: 3
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524571707136 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed.
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983352064 [Warning] WSREP: Failed to prepare for incremental state transfer: Local state UUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) does not match group state UUID (3cc86b15-b805-11e9-a7e5-f687881917cc): 1 (Operation not permitted)
         at galera/src/replicator_str.cpp:prepare_for_IST():482. IST will be unavailable.
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524505790208 [Note] WSREP: Member 2.0 (zmc-galera-0) requested state transfer from '*any*'. Selected 0.0 (zmc-galera-1)(SYNCED) as donor.
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524505790208 [Note] WSREP: Shifting PRIMARY -> JOINER (TO: 41060224)
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983352064 [Note] WSREP: Requesting state transfer: success, donor: 0
2019-08-29  7:19:52 140524983352064 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:0 -> 3cc86b15-b805-11e9-a7e5-f687881917cc:41060224
2019-08-29  7:19:55 140524522567424 [Note] WSREP: (da31cd92, 'tcp://') connection to peer da31cd92 with addr tcp:// timed out, no messages seen in PT3S
2019-08-29  7:19:55 140524522567424 [Note] WSREP: (da31cd92, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting off

标签: mysqldatabasemariadbgalera


不确定您是否已经知道这一点,但我对 sst_method 的 xtrabackup-v2 有同样的问题,并且需要验证主节点是否创建了正确的 sst_auth 用户并且防火墙端口 3306、4444、4567 和 4568 已打开。

同样在你的情况下,它似乎没有看到你的 mysql 服务器,所以也许有一些东西(即防火墙端口)不允许连接?

ERROR 2005 (HY000): Unknown MySQL server host 'zmc-galera-1.zmc-galera' (-2)
cluster state=CLUSTER_RUNNING
