首页 > 解决方案 > Unable to read properties of a property containing the object


I'm having an issue trying to access the properties of an object, which has a reference property of another object. In other words, an object contained in other object.

After fetching the data from API calls like this one for example:https://api.apixu.com/v1/current.json?key=2352219608ed457fb3a12903193008&q=Helsinki my code get the response's data and set the hook's value: capitalWeather.

Anyways, the object has two attributes: location and current, which are also object type. Everytime I try to access any value from a reference, like accessing value of capitalWeather.location.region what I get is=

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'region' of undefined

As expected, It also applies for any of the other attributes: name,country,lat,lon,tz_id,etc....

I don't understand why I'm getting a typeError, considering both are object types.

This is the code snippet where the error takes place:

const Displayer = ({ country }) => {
    const [capitalWeather,setWeather]=useState([]);
    useEffect(() => {
            .then(response => {
                console.log('Promise fullfiled, succesfully fetched data');
    }, [country.capital]);


    return (<div className='displayer'>
        <p>Capital {country.capital}</p>
        <p>Population {country.population}</p>
            {country.languages.map(lang => <li key={lang.name}>{lang.name}</li>)}
        <img src={country.flag} alt='this is the country flag'></img>
        {/*<Weather weather={capitalWeather}/>*/}

标签: javascriptreactjsobjectreact-hooks



  const [capitalWeather,setWeather]=useState([]);

