首页 > 解决方案 > ArrayIndexOutOfBounds 应在边界内的对象上


我一直坚持让我的程序工作无数个小时,就像我认为我已经完成了所有工作一样,它提出了 ArrayIndexOutOfBounds。我不明白为什么会发生这种情况,因为它只发生在第一个循环 0 0 上。循环本质上是查看一组对象,然后查看每个对象是否被保留(寻找一个开放的飞机座位)。我将发布很多代码,因为我的很多项目都链接到其他类。

当我启动 TrainSeatBookingApplication 时,我按 p、m、f、s 的顺序回答问题。因此,请使用该命令进行调试,因为我还没有完全完成我所知道的其他结果。


package exercises;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class TrainSeatBookingApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SeatType theSeatType;
        FloorGrid floorType;
        TrainWay aTrainWay = null;
        TrainSmart aTrainSmart = null;
        Seat customerSeat;
        Seat trainSeats;
        char planeSizeChoice;
        char seatingArea;
        char seatEconomyOrFirst;
        char programBookingChoice;

        Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Would you like to board a petite floor sized plane or a grande floor sized plane?");
        planeSizeChoice = Character.toLowerCase(scan.next().charAt(0));
        if (planeSizeChoice == 'p') {
            floorType = new PetiteFloorGrid();
            System.out.println("Would you like to be in the middle, window or asile?");
            seatingArea= Character.toUpperCase(scan.next().charAt(0));
            if (seatingArea == 'M') {
                theSeatType = SeatType.MIDDLE;
            else if (seatingArea == 'A') {
                theSeatType = SeatType.AISLE;
            else {
                theSeatType = SeatType.WINDOW;
            System.out.println("Would you like to be seated in first class or economy class?");
            seatEconomyOrFirst = Character.toUpperCase(scan.next().charAt(0));
            System.out.println("Would you like your seat to be booked via the smart program or the way program?");
            programBookingChoice = Character.toUpperCase(scan.next().charAt(0));
            if (seatEconomyOrFirst == 'F') {
                    if (programBookingChoice == 'S') {
                        customerSeat =  floorType.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(theSeatType);
                        aTrainSmart.reserveFirstClass(planeSizeChoice, theSeatType);
                    else {
                        customerSeat =  floorType.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(theSeatType);
                        aTrainWay.reserveFirstClass(planeSizeChoice, theSeatType);
            else {

        else {
            floorType = new GrandeFloorGrid();
            System.out.println("Would you like to be in the middle, window or asile?");
            seatingArea= Character.toUpperCase(scan.next().charAt(0));
            if (seatingArea == 'M') {
                theSeatType = SeatType.MIDDLE;
            else if (seatingArea == 'A') {
                theSeatType = SeatType.AISLE;
            else {
                theSeatType = SeatType.WINDOW;
            System.out.println("Would you like to be seated in first class or middle class?");
            seatEconomyOrFirst = Character.toUpperCase(scan.next().charAt(0));
            System.out.println("Would you like your seat to be booked via the smart program or the way program?");
            programBookingChoice = Character.toUpperCase(scan.next().charAt(0));
            //System.out.println("Did not reach start of if");//testing program
            if (seatEconomyOrFirst == 'F') {
                if (programBookingChoice == 'S') {
                    customerSeat =  new Seat();
                    customerSeat = floorType.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(theSeatType);
                    aTrainSmart.reserveFirstClass(planeSizeChoice, theSeatType);
                else {
                    customerSeat =  aTrainWay.reserveFirstClass(planeSizeChoice, SeatType.MIDDLE);
                //System.out.println("Did not go through either if or else");//testing program




package exercises;

abstract class FloorGrid {

    protected Seat[][] seat;
    protected int nRows;
    protected int nColumns;
    protected int nFirstClassRows;

    abstract protected void initialiseFloorGrid();

    public Seat getLeft(Seat seatx)
        int column = seatx.getSeatPosition().getColumn();
        int row = seatx.getSeatPosition().getRow();
        column = column - 1;

        if (seat[column + 1][row].getSeatType() == seat[column][row].getSeatType()) {
            return seat[column][row];
        else {
            return null;
    public Seat getRight(Seat seatx)
        int column = seatx.getSeatPosition().getColumn();
        int row = seatx.getSeatPosition().getRow();
        column = column + 1;
        if (seat[column - 1][row].getSeatType() == seat[column][row].getSeatType()) {
            return seat[column][row];
        else {
            return null;

    ublic Seat queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(SeatType seatx)
    boolean found = false;
    int row;
    int column;

    int xMax = nRows + nFirstClassRows;
    int yMax = nColumns;
    seat = new Seat[xMax][yMax];

    for (int x = 0; x < xMax; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < yMax; y++) {
            seat = new Seat[x][y];
                if (seatx.getSpecificSeatType() == 2) /*2 is middle*/ {
                    if (!seat[x][y].isReserved()) {
                        if (seat[x][y].getFirstClass()) {
                            found = true;
                            column = seat[x][y].getSeatPosition().getColumn();
                            row = seat[x][y].getSeatPosition().getRow();
                            return seat[x][y];
                else if(seatx.getSpecificSeatType() == 3) { //3 is windows
                    if (!seat[x][y].isReserved()) {
                        if (seat[x][y].getFirstClass()) {
                            found = true;
                            column = seat[x][y].getSeatPosition().getColumn();
                            row = seat[x][y].getSeatPosition().getRow();
                            return seat[x][y];
                else if (seatx.getSpecificSeatType() == 1) { // 1 is aisle
                    if (!seat[y][x].isReserved()) {
                        if (seat[y][x].getFirstClass()) {
                            found = true;
                            column = seat[x][y].getSeatPosition().getColumn();
                            row = seat[x][y].getSeatPosition().getRow();
                            return seat[x][y];
                else if (seatx.getSpecificSeatType() == 10) {
                        if (!seat[y][x].isReserved()) {
                            if (seat[y][x].getFirstClass()) {
                                found = true;
                                column = seat[x][y].getSeatPosition().getColumn();
                                row = seat[x][y].getSeatPosition().getRow();
                                return seat[x][y];
                if (x == (nRows - 1) & y == (nColumns = 1) & found == false) { //this checks to see if the loop is looping through the last seat. If it is and no open seat has been found it returns null
                    return null;
    return null;


public Seat getSeat(int seatRow, char seatPosition)
    return null;




    package exercises;
   package exercises;

public class PetiteFloorGrid extends FloorGrid {
    Seat[][] newSeats;

    public PetiteFloorGrid () {
        this.nColumns = 7;
        this.nRows = 10;
        this.nFirstClassRows = 4;


    protected void initialiseFloorGrid() {
     int xMax = nRows + nFirstClassRows;
     int yMax = nColumns;
     newSeats = new Seat[xMax][yMax];

        for (int x = 0; x < xMax; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < yMax; y++) {
                Seat seat = new Seat();
                if (x < 4) {
                if (y > 1 & y < 5) {
                else if (y < 1 & y > 5)  {
                else {

                SeatPosition aSeatPosition = new SeatPosition(x, (char) ('A' + y));
                newSeats[x][y] = seat;


    public Seat[][] initialisedSeat() {
        return newSeats;



package exercises;

public class Seat {

private boolean firstClass;
private boolean reserved;
private SeatType seatType;
private SeatPosition seatPosition;

public Seat(SeatPosition seatPosition,  SeatType seatType, boolean reserved, boolean firstClass)
    this.seatPosition = seatPosition;
    this.seatType = seatType;
    this.reserved = reserved;
    this.firstClass = false;
public Seat(SeatPosition seatPosition, boolean reserved, boolean firstClass)
    this.seatPosition = seatPosition;
    this.seatType = SeatType.AISLE;
    this.reserved = reserved;
    this.firstClass = false;
public Seat() {
    SeatPosition aSeatPosition = new SeatPosition(1,'a');
    this.seatPosition = aSeatPosition;
    this.seatType = SeatType.AISLE;;
    this.reserved = false;
public SeatType getSeatType()
    return this.seatType;

public void setSeatType(SeatType seattype) {
this.seatType = seattype;

public boolean getFirstClass() {
    return this.firstClass;

public boolean isFirstClass()
    if (firstClass == true)
        return true;
        return false; 
public void setFirstClass(boolean trueOrNot) {
    this.firstClass = trueOrNot;
public boolean isReserved()
    if (reserved == true)
        return true;
        return false; 

public void setReserved(boolean reserved)
    this.reserved = reserved;

public SeatPosition getSeatPosition()
    return this.seatPosition;

public void setSeatPosition(SeatPosition aSeatPosition) {
    this.seatPosition = aSeatPosition;

public String toDescription()
    String typeClass;
    String bookedOrNot;

    if (firstClass == true)
        typeClass = "First Class"; 
        typeClass = "Economy Class";
    if (reserved == true) {
        bookedOrNot = "";
    else {
        bookedOrNot = " not ";

    return ""+typeClass+" "+seatType+"seat at: "+seatPosition.getColumn()+""+seatPosition.getRow()+" is"+bookedOrNot+"booked";      

public String toString()
    char reservedOrNot;
    char firstClassOrNot;

    if (firstClass == true)
        if (seatType.toString().equals(SeatType.AISLE)) {
            firstClassOrNot = 'A';
        else if (seatType.toString().equals(SeatType.MIDDLE)) {
            firstClassOrNot = 'M';
        else if (seatType.toString().equals(SeatType.WINDOW)) {
            firstClassOrNot = 'W';
        else {
            firstClassOrNot = 'X';
        if (seatType.toString().equals(SeatType.AISLE)) {
            firstClassOrNot = 'a';
        else if (seatType.toString().equals(SeatType.MIDDLE)) {
            firstClassOrNot = 'm';
        else if (seatType.toString().equals(SeatType.WINDOW)) {
            firstClassOrNot = 'w';
        else {
            firstClassOrNot = 'x';

    if (reserved == true)
        reservedOrNot = 'X';
        reservedOrNot = '_';

    return "["+firstClassOrNot+" "+reservedOrNot+"]";


package exercises;

public enum SeatType {


    private int option;

    private SeatType(int option)
    private SeatType()

    public int getSeatType()
        return this.option;

    public void setSeatType(int option)
        this.option = option;

    public int getSpecificSeatType() {
        return this.getSeatType();



    package exercises;

public class TrainSmart extends TrainOperator {
    private Seat aSeat;
    private int foundFClass = 1;
    private int foundEClass = 1;
    private String sameAsWindow;
    private String sameAsAisle;
    PetiteFloorGrid aPetiteFloor = new PetiteFloorGrid();

    public PetiteFloorGrid getPetiteFloor() {
        return this.aPetiteFloor;

    public Seat reserveFirstClass(char chosenGrid, SeatType aType) {

        if (aType == SeatType.WINDOW) {
            sameAsWindow = "yes";
        else if(aType == SeatType.AISLE) {
            sameAsAisle = "yes";

        System.out.println("Outside If, attempting to enter");
        if (chosenGrid == 'P') { //checks if the user specified grid is P for petite, if not carries on untill grand
        System.out.println("Inside if");
            if (aPetiteFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(aType) != null) { //Checks if seat of specified type is free, if so then it books it
                aSeat = aPetiteFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(aType);
                foundFClass = 2;
                return aSeat;
            else if (aPetiteFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(SeatType.WINDOW) != null & sameAsAisle.equals("yes")) {
                aSeat = aPetiteFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(SeatType.WINDOW);
                foundFClass = 2;
                if (aPetiteFloor.getLeft(aSeat) != null) {
                    aSeat = aPetiteFloor.getLeft(aSeat);
                else {
                    aSeat = aPetiteFloor.getRight(aSeat);
                return aSeat;
            else if (aPetiteFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(SeatType.AISLE) != null & sameAsWindow.equals("yes")) {
                aSeat = aPetiteFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(SeatType.AISLE);
                foundFClass = 2;
                if (aPetiteFloor.getLeft(aSeat) != null) {
                    aSeat = aPetiteFloor.getLeft(aSeat);
                else {
                    aSeat = aPetiteFloor.getRight(aSeat);
                aSeat = aPetiteFloor.getLeft(aSeat);
                return aSeat;
            return null;
        else {
            GrandeFloorGrid aGrandeFloor = new GrandeFloorGrid();

                if (aGrandeFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(aType) != null) { //Checks if seat of specified type is free, if so then it books it
                    aSeat = aGrandeFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(aType);
                    foundFClass = 2;
                    return aSeat;
                else if (aGrandeFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(SeatType.WINDOW) != null & sameAsAisle.equals("yes")) {
                    aSeat = aGrandeFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(SeatType.WINDOW);
                    foundFClass = 2;
                    if (aGrandeFloor.getLeft(aSeat) != null) {
                        aSeat = aGrandeFloor.getLeft(aSeat);
                    else {
                        aSeat = aGrandeFloor.getRight(aSeat);
                    return aSeat;
                else if (aGrandeFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(SeatType.AISLE) != null & sameAsWindow.equals("yes")) {
                    aSeat = aGrandeFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(SeatType.AISLE);
                    foundFClass = 2;
                    if (aGrandeFloor.getLeft(aSeat) != null) {
                        aSeat = aGrandeFloor.getLeft(aSeat);
                    else {
                        aSeat = aGrandeFloor.getRight(aSeat);
                    aSeat = aGrandeFloor.getLeft(aSeat);
                    return aSeat;
                return null;

    public Seat reserveEconomyClass(char chosenGrid, SeatType aType) {
        if (aType == SeatType.WINDOW) {
            sameAsWindow = "yes";
        else if(aType == SeatType.AISLE) {
            sameAsAisle = "yes";

        if (chosenGrid == 'P') { //checks if the user specified grid is P for petite, if not carries on untill grand
        PetiteFloorGrid aPetiteFloor = new PetiteFloorGrid();

            if (aPetiteFloor.queryAvailableEconomySeat(aType) != null) { //Checks if seat of specified type is free, if so then it books it
                aSeat = aPetiteFloor.queryAvailableEconomySeat(aType);
                foundFClass = 2;
                return aSeat;
            return null;
        else {
            GrandeFloorGrid aGrandeFloor = new GrandeFloorGrid();

                if (aGrandeFloor.queryAvailableEconomySeat(aType) != null) { //Checks if seat of specified type is free, if so then it books it
                    aSeat = aGrandeFloor.queryAvailableEconomySeat(aType);
                    foundFClass = 2;
                    return aSeat;
                return null;



package exercises;

public class GrandeFloorGrid extends FloorGrid {
    Seat[][] newSeats;
    public GrandeFloorGrid () {
        this.nColumns = 9;
        this.nRows = 12;
        this.nFirstClassRows = 6;

    protected void initialiseFloorGrid() {
         int xMax = nRows + nFirstClassRows;
         int yMax = nColumns;
         newSeats = new Seat[xMax][yMax];

            for (int x = 0; x < xMax; x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < yMax; y++) {
                    Seat seat = new Seat();
                    if (x < 6) {
                    if (y > 2 & y < 6) {
                    else if (y < 2 & y > 6)  {
                    else {

                    SeatPosition aSeatPosition = new SeatPosition(x, (char) ('A' + y));
                    newSeats[x][y] = seat;



一旦我回答了“您希望通过智能程序或方式程序预订您的座位吗?”,就会出现错误。然后它进入一个 if 语句,其代码为“customerSeat = floorType.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(theSeatType);” 打开 FloorGrid.java 并到达第 135 行,然后出现错误“线程中的异常”main“java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:0”。


这个问题还没有回答。原因是,因为在那个问题中人们可以很容易地看到他们有 <= 应该总是 <。我的参数是

for (int y = 0; y < nRows; ++y) {
     for (int x = 0; x < nColumns; ++x) {




TrainWay.Java 中的这行代码:

aPetiteFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(aType.values()[+chosen]) != null

以及它的等价物(如果用户选择 Grande Floor Size):

aGrandeFloor.queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(aType.values()[+chosen]) != null.



其次,如果我选择 w 作为最后一个选项,当被问及我想使用哪个程序来预订我的火车旅行时,在输入您的输入后,它将什么都不做。几乎就像扫描仪正在接受无限输入一样。

现在经过很多步骤,如果我没记错的话,TrainWay 系统中的这个 while 循环似乎卡在了一个无限循环中:

    while (foundEClass == 1 & (chosen < 4) ) { //This algorithm checks each enum type SeatType and if there is a available seat on each type

        if (aPetiteFloor.queryAvailableEconomySeat(aType.values()[+chosen]) != null) {
            aSeat = aPetiteFloor.queryAvailableEconomySeat(aType.values()[+chosen]);

    foundEClass = 2;
                if (foundEClass == 2) {
                    return aSeat;

它似乎执行了 while 代码,一旦它检查了 if 参数并发现它的错误,它就会立即重复而不查看任何其他代码(++chosen 和其他 if)。

这使我发现最大的问题更多地与编程概念有关。PetitieFloorGrid.java 和 GrandeFloorGrid.Java 中的 initialiseFloorGrid() 方法可以完成我希望他们做的所有事情。他们用座位号绘制整个飞机,如果它是保留的,它在哪个区域等。但是,我真的不知道如何使用我在它扩展的超类 FloorGrid 中使用 initialiseFloorGrid() 生成的座位。(FloorGrid 持有在 TrainWay.java 中使用的 Query 方法,作为持续循环的 while 循环中的参数。

因此,如果我能弄清楚如何在 FloorGrid 中使用 Petite/GrandeFloorGrid 中创建的座位,那么我可以修复整个 TrainWay.java 方法。

标签: javaloopssystem



protected void initialiseFloorGrid() {
    for (int y = 0; y < nRows + nFirstClassRows; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < nColumns; ++x) {
            //newSeats[y][x].getSeatPosition().setSeatPosition(nRows, (char) ('A' + nColumns));
            newSeats = new Seat[y][x]; 
  1. newSeats每次都会初始化变量。
  2. 越界异常表明您正在寻找一个大于实际存在的数组索引。初始化数组,然后填充它。
  3. x - 行
  4. y - 列


protected void initialiseFloorGrid() {
    int xMax = nRows + nFirstClassRows;
    int yMax = nColumns;
    newSeats = new Seat[xMax][yMax];
    for (int x = 0; x < xMax; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < yMax; y++) {
            Seat seat = new Seat();
            newSeats[x][y] = seat;
