首页 > 解决方案 > -d 和 -u 参数的含义(和提供方法)是什么?


我正在尝试使用 Scala 中的 Playframework 进行 WS GET 调用以调用 Paypal REST JSON API。我更具体地说是尝试获取初始的 Paypal 访问令牌

curl -v https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/oauth2/token \
   -H "Accept: application/json" \
   -H "Accept-Language: en_US" \
   -u "client_id:secret" \
   -d "grant_type=client_credentials"

我通过以下方式在 Scala 中构建它:

@Inject(ws: WSClient)

val url = config.get[String]("paypal.url.token") // https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/oauth2/token
val httpHeaders = Array(
    "Accept" -> "application/json",
    "Accept-Language" -> "en_US"
val username = config.get[String]("paypal.client_id")
val password = config.get[String]("paypal.secret")
val request: WSRequest = ws.url(url).withHttpHeaders(httpHeaders: _*).
    withAuth(username, password, WSAuthScheme.BASIC)
val futureResponse = request.get()
futureResponse.map { response =>


当我像现在这样运行它时,我收到以下错误: {"error":"invalid_token","error_description":"Authorization header does not have valid access token"}

还有一些在日志之前: [info] p.s.a.o.a.n.h.i.Unauthorized401Interceptor - Can't handle 401 as auth was already performed

标签: jsonscalarestpaypalplayframework


您可以使用 阅读curl手册man curl

所以,1)-u代表--user <username:passsword>

   -u, --user <user:password>
          Specify the user name and password to use for server authentication. Overrides -n, --netrc and --netrc-optional.

          If you simply specify the user name, curl will prompt for a password.

这也转化为-H "Authorization: <Basic|Bearer> base64_for_username:password"

2)-d表示--dataPOST 请求的 or 有效载荷。

   -d, --data <data>
          (HTTP) Sends the specified data in a POST request to the HTTP server, in the same way that a browser does when a user has
          filled in an HTML form and presses the submit button. This will cause curl to pass the data to the server using the  con-
          tent-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded.  Compare to -F, --form.
  • 验证withAuth(username, password, WSAuthScheme.BASIC)正在使用正确的用户名、密码
  • 并在代码中缺少的 scala 中设置帖子正文。我不太了解playframework,但这可能是正确的方法-https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.6.3/api/java/play/libs/ws/WSRequest.html#post-java.lang 。细绳-
