首页 > 解决方案 > SQL count duplicates in another column based on one field per row


I am building out a customer retention report. We identify customers by their email. Here is some sample data from our table:

|           Email            | BrandNewCustomer | RecurringCustomer | ReactivatedCustomer | OrderCount | TotalOrders | Date_Created | Customer_Name | Customer_Address | Customer_City | Customer_State | Customer_Zip | Customer_Country |  |  |  |  |  |
| zyw@marketplace.amazon.com |                1 |                 0 |                   0 |          1 |           1 | 41:50.0      | Sha           |              990 | BRO           | NY             |          112 | US               |  |  |  |  |  |
| zyu@gmail.com              |                1 |                 0 |                   0 |          1 |           1 | 57:25.0      | Zyu           |              181 | Mia           | FL             |          330 | US               |  |  |  |  |  |
| ZyR@aol.com                |                1 |                 0 |                   0 |          1 |           1 | 10:19.0      | Day           |              581 | Myr           | SC             |          295 | US               |  |  |  |  |  |
| zyr@gmail.com              |                1 |                 0 |                   0 |          1 |           1 | 25:19.0      | Nic           |              173 | Was           | DC             |          200 | US               |  |  |  |  |  |
| zy@gmail.com               |                1 |                 0 |                   0 |          1 |           1 | 19:18.0      | Kim           |              675 | MIA           | FL             |          331 | US               |  |  |  |  |  |
| zyou@gmail.com             |                1 |                 0 |                   0 |          1 |           1 | 40:29.0      | zoe           |              160 | Mob           | AL             |          366 | US               |  |  |  |  |  |
| zyon@yahoo.com             |                1 |                 0 |                   0 |          1 |           1 | 17:21.0      | Zyo           |              84  | Sta           | CT             |          690 | US               |  |  |  |  |  |
| zyo@gmail.com              |                1 |                 0 |                   0 |          2 |           2 | 02:03.0      | Zyo           |              432 | Ell           | GA             |          302 | US               |  |  |  |  |  |
| zyo@gmail.com              |                1 |                 0 |                   0 |          1 |           2 | 12:54.0      | Zyo           |              432 | Ell           | GA             |          302 | US               |  |  |  |  |  |
| zyn@icloud.com             |                1 |                 0 |                   0 |          1 |           1 | 54:56.0      | Zyn           |              916 | Nor           | CA             |          913 | US               |  |  |  |  |  |
| zyl@gmail.com              |                0 |                 1 |                   0 |          3 |           3 | 31:27.0      | Ser           |              123 | Mia           | FL             |          331 | US               |  |  |  |  |  |
| zyk@marketplace.amazon.com |                1 |                 0 |                   0 |          1 |           1 | 44:00.0      | Myr           |              101 | MIA           | FL             |          331 | US               |  |  |  |  |  |

We define our customer by email. So all orders with the same email are marked to be under one customer and then we do calculations on top of that.

Now I am trying to find out about customers whose emails have changed. So to do this we will try to line up customers by their address.

So per each row (so when separated by email), I want to have another column called something like Orders_With_Same_Address_Different_Email. How would I do that?

I have tried doing something with Dense Rank but it doesn't seem to work:

,(DENSE_RANK() over (partition by Email order by (case when email <> email then Customer_Address end)  asc) 
+DENSE_RANK() over ( partition by Email order by (case when email <> email then Customer_Address end)  desc) 
- 1) as Orders_With_Same_Name_Different_Email
FROM Customers

标签: sqlsql-serverdense-rank



select   Email,
         -- ...

         Orders_With_Same_Name_Different_Email = iif(
             (count(email) over (partition by Customer_Address) > 1, 
         1, 0)

from     Customers;


alter table #customers
add customerId int identity(1,1) primary key not null

现在 customerId = 1 将始终指代该特定客户。
