首页 > 解决方案 > gitlab-runner 或 Docker 默认缓存 /builds 目录吗?


我在我的 MacBook Pro 上使用 gitlab-runner 和 Docker。我正在使用 gitlab.com 来托管我的 git 存储库。我已将一个存储库配置为在将提交推送到存储库时执行管道。管道有两个工作:显示一些信息,并克隆一个单独的存储库作为依赖项。


Running with gitlab-runner 12.2.0 (a987417a)
  on old_gen_runner 6fsjs96e
Using Docker executor with image gcc-arm_4_7-2013q3:3.0 ...
Using docker image sha256:5d4741a428654beb44a3c004822e4d2ceededc88f22ec1ec7f45dedf707a0302 for gcc-arm_4_7-2013q3:3.0 ...
Running on runner-6fsjs96e-project-13664495-concurrent-0 via my_laptop.local...
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/staging-fw/my-project/.git/
Created fresh repository.
From https://gitlab.com/staging-fw/my-project
 * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
Checking out 722c2c38 as master...

Skipping Git submodules setup
$ python /scripts/info.py
Printing job info...

Builds dir: /builds

Commit Message: 
Modified yml file.

Branch: master
Project dir: /builds/staging-fw/my-project
$ ls /builds


Running with gitlab-runner 12.2.0 (a987417a)
  on old_gen_runner 6fsjs96e
Using Docker executor with image gcc-arm_4_7-2013q3:3.0 ...
Using docker image sha256:5d4741a428654beb44a3c004822e4d2ceededc88f22ec1ec7f45dedf707a0302 for gcc-arm_4_7-2013q3:3.0 ...
Running on runner-6fsjs96e-project-13664495-concurrent-0 via my_laptop.local...
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/staging-fw/my-project/.git/
Checking out 722c2c38 as master...

Skipping Git submodules setup
$ git clone https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}@gitlab.com/staging-fw/my-dependencies.git /builds/dependencies
Cloning into '/builds/dependencies'...
Job succeeded



Running with gitlab-runner 12.2.0 (a987417a)
  on old_gen_runner 6fsjs96e
Using Docker executor with image gcc-arm_4_7-2013q3:3.0 ...
Using docker image sha256:5d4741a428654beb44a3c004822e4d2ceededc88f22ec1ec7f45dedf707a0302 for gcc-arm_4_7-2013q3:3.0 ...
Running on runner-6fsjs96e-project-13664495-concurrent-0 via my_laptop.local...
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/staging-fw/my-project/.git/
From https://gitlab.com/staging-fw/my-project
   722c2c3..f321b75  master     -> origin/master
Checking out f321b75f as master...

Skipping Git submodules setup
$ python /scripts/info.py
Printing job info...

Builds dir: /builds

Commit Message: 
Modified yml file.

Branch: master
Project dir: /builds/staging-fw/my-project
$ ls /builds
Job succeeded

如您所见,dependencies 文件夹还在吗?不仅如此,它不再Initialized empty Git repository像在第一份工作的第一次运行中那样说,而是现在说Reinitialized existing Git repository.


Running with gitlab-runner 12.2.0 (a987417a)
  on old_gen_runner 6fsjs96e
Using Docker executor with image gcc-arm_4_7-2013q3:3.0 ...
Using docker image sha256:5d4741a428654beb44a3c004822e4d2ceededc88f22ec1ec7f45dedf707a0302 for gcc-arm_4_7-2013q3:3.0 ...
Running on runner-6fsjs96e-project-13664495-concurrent-0 via my_laptop.local...
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/staging-fw/my-project/.git/
Checking out f321b75f as master...

Skipping Git submodules setup
$ git clone https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}@gitlab.com/staging-fw/my-dependencies.git /builds/dependencies
fatal: destination path '/builds/dependencies' already exists and is not an empty directory.
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1


  1. /builds是否为 Docker 中的每个单独容器创建了目录?这是我最初的理解,Docker 中的每个容器都有自己独立的 /builds 目录。

  2. 目录是否/builds为所有 Docker 容器共享?我找不到这方面的任何信息。

2a。如果该/builds目录为所有 Docker 容器共享,那么它在哪里以及是谁创建的?

标签: gitdockergitlabgitlab-ci-runner


GitLab CI/CD 的默认 Git 策略是“获取”。如果相同的静态运行器一遍又一遍地用于相同的管道,GitLab 不会进行新的克隆,而只会在后续运行中获取更改。


  1. 通过转到项目设置 -> CI/CD -> 通用管道 -> 将“管道的 Git 策略”设置为,将项目默认值更改为“克隆”git clone
  2. 通过以下方式更改策略.gitlab-ci.yml

您可以在 GitLab 文档 - Git 策略中了解有关此设置的更多信息
