首页 > 解决方案 > 从同一查询 postgres 中的另一个表中选择计算值的最佳方法?


嗨,我有 postgres 数据库和四个表

vehicles -> trips

vehicles -> component_values -> component_types


║ id ║           slug           ║          name          ║  manufacturer  ║  model  ║
║  1 ║ manufacturer-x-model-3   ║ Manufacturer X Model 3 ║ Manufacturer X ║ Model 3 ║
║  2 ║ manufacturer-x-model-1   ║ Manufacturer X Model 1 ║ Manufacturer X ║ Model 1 ║
║  3 ║ manufacturer-x-model-1-1 ║ Manufacturer X Model 1 ║ Manufacturer X ║ Model 1 ║


║ id  ║ vehicle_id ║    name     ║   mileage   ║   recorded_at   ║
║   1 ║          1 ║ 10386735    ║ 386734.997  ║ 2/25/2014 13:56 ║
║   2 ║          1 ║ 11771530.14 ║ 771530.14   ║ 3/1/2014 19:41  ║
║   3 ║          1 ║ 121112028.4 ║ 1112028.39  ║ 3/5/2014 3:23   ║
║   4 ║          1 ║ 131406814.9 ║ 1406814.892 ║ 3/8/2014 20:56  ║
║   5 ║          1 ║ 141933528.7 ║ 1933528.711 ║ 3/13/2014 0:19  ║
║   6 ║          1 ║ 152256488.6 ║ 2256488.579 ║ 3/16/2014 21:15 ║


║ id ║ component_type_id ║ trip_id ║ vehicle_id ║  mileage   ║   damage    ║ damage_eff  ║
║  1 ║                 1 ║       1 ║          1 ║ 386734.997 ║ 0.002260565 ║ 0.002225831 ║
║  2 ║                 2 ║       1 ║          1 ║ 386734.997 ║ 0.002260306 ║ 0.002238006 ║
║  3 ║                 3 ║       1 ║          1 ║ 386734.997 ║ 0.002261288 ║ 0.002266295 ║
║  4 ║                 4 ║       1 ║          1 ║ 386734.997 ║ 0.002054489 ║ 0.002060029 ║
║  5 ║                 5 ║       1 ║          1 ║ 386734.997 ║ 0.002052669 ║ 0.002107272 ║
║  6 ║                 6 ║       1 ║          1 ║ 386734.997 ║ NULL        ║ NULL        ║
║  7 ║                 7 ║       1 ║          1 ║ 386734.997 ║ NULL        ║ NULL        ║
║  8 ║                 1 ║       2 ║          1 ║ 771530.14  ║ 0.004792952 ║ 0.0048514   ║
║  9 ║                 2 ║       2 ║          1 ║ 771530.14  ║ 0.004792404 ║ 0.004710451 ║
║ 10 ║                 3 ║       2 ║          1 ║ 771530.14  ║ 0.004794486 ║ 0.004805461 ║


║ id ║                slug                 ║  manufacturer  ║         name         ║
║  6 ║ manufacturer-d-battery              ║ Manufacturer D ║ Battery              ║
║  2 ║ manufacturer-b-differential-1       ║ Manufacturer B ║ Differential 1       ║
║  3 ║ manufacturer-c-driveshaft-1         ║ Manufacturer C ║ Driveshaft 1         ║
║  5 ║ manufacturer-c-gearbox-output-shaft ║ Manufacturer C ║ Gearbox output shaft ║
║  1 ║ manufacturer-a-motor-1              ║ Manufacturer A ║ Motor 1              ║
║  4 ║ manufacturer-c-gearbox-input-shaft  ║ Manufacturer C ║ Gearbox input shaft  ║
║  7 ║ usage-profile                       ║                ║ Usage profile        ║



║ vehicle_id ║ latest_trip_date ║ latest_trip_date_mileage ║ heights_damaged_component_value ║ heights_damaged_component_name ║ lowest_damaged_component_value ║ lowest_damaged_component_name ║
║          1 ║ 4/19/2014 3:27   ║ 4844305.912              ║ 0.029372972                     ║ Gearbox input shaft            ║ 0.002052669                    ║ Gearbox output shaft          ║
║          2 ║ 5/19/2014 16:13  ║ 5567945.164              ║ 0.029405924                     ║ Driveshaft 1                   ║ 0.001864137                    ║ Gearbox output shaft          ║
║          3 ║ 4/28/2014 12:55  ║ 5286175.763              ║ 0.030745029                     ║ Driveshaft 1                   ║ 0.001957685                    ║ Differential 1                ║
║          4 ║ 2/25/2014 3:32   ║ 5398006.007              ║ 0.030495792                     ║ Driveshaft 1                   ║ 0.001814434                    ║ Differential 1                ║
║          5 ║ 4/25/2014 9:51   ║ 5179558.475              ║ 0.032060074                     ║ Gearbox input shaft            ║ 0.001936431                    ║ Differential 1                ║
║          6 ║ 5/9/2014 7:43    ║ 5234355.804              ║ 0.030576454                     ║ Gearbox input shaft            ║ 0.002254191                    ║ Gearbox output shaft          ║
║          7 ║ 6/21/2014 18:09  ║ 5705722.416              ║ 0.029957374                     ║ Driveshaft 1                   ║ 0.001653441                    ║ Gearbox output shaft          ║
║          8 ║ 4/23/2014 5:25   ║ 5590470.028              ║ 0.031900163                     ║ Driveshaft 1                   ║ 0.002083733                    ║ Gearbox output shaft          ║
║          9 ║ 3/28/2014 20:37  ║ 5598159.883              ║ 0.031208918                     ║ Driveshaft 1                   ║ 0.00162805                     ║ Differential 1                ║
║         10 ║ 5/24/2014 19:27  ║ 5020795.001              ║ 0.02962505                      ║ Gearbox input shaft            ║ 0.001729646                    ║ Differential 1                ║



vehicles.id as vehicle_id,
latest_trips.recorded_at as latest_trip_date,
latest_trips.mileage as latest_trip_date_mileage,
heights_damaged_components.damage as heights_damaged_component_value,
heights_damaged_components.name as heights_damaged_component_name,
lowest_damaged_components.damage as lowest_damaged_component_value,
lowest_damaged_components.name as lowest_damaged_component_name

from vehicles 

left join (
    SELECT t.id, t.vehicle_id, t.mileage, t.recorded_at
    FROM public.trips t
    inner JOIN (SELECT vehicle_id, MAX(recorded_at) as latest_trip_date FROM public.trips  GROUP BY vehicle_id)
    tm ON t.vehicle_id = tm.vehicle_id AND t.recorded_at = tm.latest_trip_date
as latest_trips on latest_trips.vehicle_id = vehicles.id

left join (
    select ct.name, hd.component_type_id, hd.vehicle_id, hd.damage
    from public.component_values as hd
        SELECT vehicle_id,
        MAX(damage) as heights_damaged_component 
        FROM public.component_values 
        GROUP BY vehicle_id
    hdm ON hd.vehicle_id = hdm.vehicle_id AND hd.damage = hdm.heights_damaged_component
    join public.component_types as ct on ct.id = hd.component_type_id
as heights_damaged_components on heights_damaged_components.vehicle_id = vehicles.id

left join (
    select ct.name, ld.component_type_id, ld.vehicle_id, ld.damage
    from public.component_values as ld
        SELECT vehicle_id, MIN(damage) as lowest_damaged_component 
        FROM public.component_values  
        GROUP BY vehicle_id
    ldm ON ld.vehicle_id = ldm.vehicle_id AND ld.damage = ldm.lowest_damaged_component
    join public.component_types as ct on ct.id = ld.component_type_id
) as lowest_damaged_components on lowest_damaged_components.vehicle_id = vehicles.id

但我有 10000 辆汽车、大行程和 component_values,这个查询在 3 到 6 秒内给了我结果,他们是不是以更好的性能和时间来做到这一点?

我可以在我的情况下使用GENERATED 列吗?如何使用?


标签: sqlpostgresql

