首页 > 解决方案 > 带计时器的绘图应用程序。绘图时间少于 20 秒后计时器开始滞后






这是程序: https ://drive.google.com/open?id=1lwzKwG7NLcX1qmE5yoxsdq5HICV2TNHm

class StrokeSegment {
    var sampleBefore: StrokeSample?
    var fromSample: StrokeSample!
    var toSample: StrokeSample!
    var sampleAfter: StrokeSample?
    var fromSampleIndex: Int

    var segmentUnitNormal: CGVector {
        return segmentStrokeVector.normal!.normalized!

    var fromSampleUnitNormal: CGVector {
        return interpolatedNormalUnitVector(between: previousSegmentStrokeVector, and: segmentStrokeVector)

    var toSampleUnitNormal: CGVector {
        return interpolatedNormalUnitVector(between: segmentStrokeVector, and: nextSegmentStrokeVector)

    var previousSegmentStrokeVector: CGVector {
        if let sampleBefore = self.sampleBefore {
            return fromSample.location - sampleBefore.location
        } else {
            return segmentStrokeVector

    var segmentStrokeVector: CGVector {
        return toSample.location - fromSample.location

    var nextSegmentStrokeVector: CGVector {
        if let sampleAfter = self.sampleAfter {
            return sampleAfter.location - toSample.location
        } else {
            return segmentStrokeVector

    init(sample: StrokeSample) {
        self.sampleAfter = sample
        self.fromSampleIndex = -2

    func advanceWithSample(incomingSample: StrokeSample?) -> Bool {
        if let sampleAfter = self.sampleAfter {
            self.sampleBefore = fromSample
            self.fromSample = toSample
            self.toSample = sampleAfter
            self.sampleAfter = incomingSample
            self.fromSampleIndex += 1
            return true
        return false

class StrokeSegmentIterator: IteratorProtocol {
    private let stroke: Stroke
    private var nextIndex: Int
    private let sampleCount: Int
    private let predictedSampleCount: Int
    private var segment: StrokeSegment!

    init(stroke: Stroke) {
        self.stroke = stroke
        nextIndex = 1
        sampleCount = stroke.samples.count
        predictedSampleCount = stroke.predictedSamples.count
        if (predictedSampleCount + sampleCount) > 1 {
            segment = StrokeSegment(sample: sampleAt(0)!)
            segment.advanceWithSample(incomingSample: sampleAt(1))

    func sampleAt(_ index: Int) -> StrokeSample? {
        if index < sampleCount {
            return stroke.samples[index]
        let predictedIndex = index - sampleCount
        if predictedIndex < predictedSampleCount {
            return stroke.predictedSamples[predictedIndex]
        } else {
            return nil

    func next() -> StrokeSegment? {
        nextIndex += 1
        if let segment = self.segment {
            if segment.advanceWithSample(incomingSample: sampleAt(nextIndex)) {
                return segment
        return nil

例如,在真正的 25 秒时,应用程序会在 20 秒时显示总时间。

标签: iosswiftipad



var secondsElapsed: TimeInterval = 0.0
let timeInitiated = Date()

Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { _ in
    secondsElapsed += 1
    print("\(secondsElapsed) seconds should have passed but in reality \(Date().timeIntervalSince(timeInitiated)) second have passed")


var secondsElapsed: TimeInterval = 0.0 让 timeInitiated = Date()

func countTo(_ end: Int) {
    var string = ""
    for i in 1...end {
        string += String(i)
    print("Just counted to string of lenght \(string.count)")

Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0/60.0, repeats: true) { _ in

Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { _ in
    secondsElapsed += 1
    print("\(secondsElapsed) seconds should have passed but in reality \(Date().timeIntervalSince(timeInitiated)) second have passed")

我们会遇到像“应该已经过了 14.0 秒,但实际上已经过了 19.17617702484131 秒”这样的情况。



  1. 如果您对经过的时间感兴趣,只需timeIntervalSince按照第一个代码片段中的说明使用。
  2. 如果您需要确保每秒钟触发一次N,您应该优化您的代码,考虑多线程......但主要记住,您只能接近“N每秒钟”,不可能保证每秒钟执行一次N
