首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将 SQL 多表查询转换为 Linq


我试图将 sql 查询转换为 linq,但无法正确获取。有人可以帮我在下面转换为 linq 吗?

SELECT stockdiary.datenew, locations.ID AS LOCATIONID, locations.NAME AS LOCATIONNAME, 
                    products.REFERENCE, products.NAME, 
                    products.CATEGORY, categories.NAME AS CATEGORYNAME, 
                    SUM(CASE WHEN stockdiary.UNITS <0 THEN stockdiary.UNITS ELSE 0 END) AS UNITSOUT, 
                    SUM(CASE WHEN stockdiary.UNITS <0 THEN stockdiary.UNITS * stockdiary.PRICE ELSE 0 END) AS TOTALOUT, 
                    SUM(CASE WHEN stockdiary.UNITS >=0 THEN stockdiary.UNITS ELSE 0 END) AS UNITSIN, 
                    SUM(CASE WHEN stockdiary.UNITS >=0 THEN stockdiary.UNITS * stockdiary.PRICE ELSE 0 END) AS TOTALIN, 
                    SUM(stockdiary.UNITS) AS UNITSDIFF, 
                    SUM(stockdiary.UNITS * stockdiary.PRICE) AS TOTALDIFF 
                FROM stockdiary JOIN locations ON stockdiary.LOCATION = locations.ID, 
                    products LEFT OUTER JOIN categories ON products.CATEGORY = categories.ID 
                WHERE products.ID = stockdiary.PRODUCT 
                GROUP BY locations.ID, locations.NAME, products.REFERENCE, products.NAME, products.CATEGORY, categories.NAME 
                ORDER BY locations.ID, categories.NAME, products.NAME

====== 下面是我的 linq 查询,它给了我错误的结果。

(from sd in Stockdiaries
join loc in Locations on sd.Location equals loc.Id
join prod in Products on sd.Product equals prod.Id
join cat in Categories on prod.Category equals cat.Id
select new 
    Location = loc.Name,
    Category = cat.Name,
    Reference = prod.Reference,
    Product = prod.Name,
    UnitsOut = sd.Units < 0 ? sd.Units:0,
    TotalOut = sd.Units < 0 ? sd.Units * sd.Price:0,
    UnitsIn = sd.Units >= 0 ? sd.Units:0,
    TotalIn = sd.Units >= 0 ? sd.Units * sd.Price:0,
    UnitsDiff = sd.Units,
    TotalDiff = sd.Units * sd.Price


标签: c#sqllinq


您在原始 sql 中有一些旧的连接语法!这是对左连接的补充。此处缩写为:

from        stockdiary 
join        locations on stockdiary.location = locations.id
,           products 
left join   categories on products.category = categories.id 
where       products.id = stockdiary.product 



var query = 
    from sd in Stockdiaries
    join loc in Locations on sd.Location equals loc.Id

    // Your old syntax join should work like an inner join
    join prod in Products on sd.Product equals prod.Id

    // This is a left join.  So you've got to do the 'into' hoop and 
    // then 'overwrite' the cat table.
    join cat in Categories on prod.Category equals cat.Id into pCat
    from cat in pCat.DefaultIfEmpty()

    // put it all together into one result set
    select new {
        Location = loc.Name,
        Category = cat?.Name, // Because it's a left join, it may be null, hence the '?'
        Reference = prod.Reference,
        Product = prod.Name,

    } into cnd

    // group as appropriate, and remember that in linq 
    // grouping is a separate operation from aggregation
    group cnd by new { cnd.Location, cnd.Reference, cnd.Product, cnd.Category } into g

    // aggregate
    select new {
        UnitsOut = g.Sum(row => row.Units < 0 ? row.Units : 0),
        TotalOut = g.Sum(row => row.Units < 0 ? row.Units * row.Price : 0),
        UnitsIn = g.Sum(row => row.Units >= 0 ? row.Units : 0),
        TotalIn = g.Sum(row => row.Units >= 0 ? row.Units * row.Price : 0),
        UnitsDiff = g.Sum(row => row.Units),
        TotalDiff = g.Sum(row => row.Units * row.Price)

