首页 > 解决方案 > Eclipse 2019-06 PHP 自动完成(内容辅助)不起作用


我刚刚安装了最新版本的 Eclipse,Eclipse 2019-06。不幸的是,在远程系统上工作时,PHP 内容辅助或自动完成功能不再起作用。我已经搜索了解决方案,但没有找到任何东西......

这些文件位于远程工作区,而不是本地。旧版本的 Eclipse (Mars) 没问题,上面有插图。

我已经检查了PHP->Editor->Content assistant的首选项,检查了自动激活。

这是一个插图: https ://ibb.co/MD72NKv

使用旧版本,它运行良好: https ://ibb.co/R7xQShL

先感谢您 !

标签: phpautocompleteeclipse-pdt



这个解决方案在这里完美运行: https ://drupalsun.com/patrick/2011/07/25/how-setup-eclipse-php-pdt-remote-system-explorer-theme-manager-and-drupal-plugins

Now we are going to use RSE to edit an eclipse RSE .project file. So in your 'Remote System' tab open up your local files and navigate to you workspace folder. Look for a folder called 'RemoteSystemsTempFiles' and open that. Now you are going to edit the '.project' file. Open up that file.

You are going to add two line in between the <natures> tag, those lines are 


Save that file and restart eclipse. If you did everything correctly you should now have auto complete that will look like so
