首页 > 解决方案 > An XSL file that processes several XML files


I need an XSL file that reads several XML files and applies the same transformation to each. So far I've got this (sanitized version):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">

<xsl:output method="text" omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no"/>

<xsl:template match="document('first_xml_file.xml')">

<xsl:template match="//outer_tag/inner_tag">
  ...stuff to appear in output for each file...
  <xsl:for-each select="outer_tag/inner_tag">
    ...stuff to appear in output for each inner_tag...


The strategy being that once it works I can add more <template> blocks to process more files.

Because a transformation tool always wants an XML file to work on, I created an empty XML file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Then I ran Microsoft's transformation tool and got:

C:\...>msxsl empty.xml my_style_sheet.xsl

Error occurred while compiling stylesheet 'my_style_sheet.xsl'.

Code:   0x80004005
NodeTest expected here.


I looked this up and found that the only functions allowed in a pattern are id() and key(). That precludes the use of document() -- and makes it impossible to write an XSL file that reads several XML files, at least the way I want to do it. What is the solution here?

标签: xmlxslt


通常的(至少在 XSLT 1 中)和工作方法是match="/*"使用您的原始输入,然后使用<xsl:apply-templates select="document('doc1.xml') | document('doc2.xml') | document('doc3.xml')"/>或将主要输入作为具有辅助 XML 文件 url 的源,然后您将在其中使用<xsl:apply-templates select="document(files/file)"/>例如<files><file>doc1.xml</file><file>doc2.xml</file><file>doc3.xml</file></files>作为内容主要输入。



并且match="document('first_xml_file.xml')"可能会写成match="document-node()[. is document('first_xml_file.xml')]"您的目标是真正识别该特定文档。无论如何,该语法是 XSLT 2,因此它对 MSXML 没有帮助。

XSLT 2/3 更加灵活和强大,无论是在匹配模式的可能性方面,还是通过使用collection和/或之类的函数uri-collection。XSLT 2 或 3 可在 Windows 上通过使用 Saxon 9 HE 的 Java 或 .NET 版本的命令行获得。
