首页 > 解决方案 > 当Case语句涉及日期列时如何处理聚合函数


我正在计算 invoiceDate 与 currentDate,然后按客户对 Value/Amount 列分组求和,但其返回“invoiceDate 不包含在聚合函数或 GROUP BY 子句中”

select Customer     
            when datediff(dd,InvoiceDate,getdate()) <=30 then sum(InvoiceBal1)
            else 0
        end as [Current]
            when datediff(dd,InvoiceDate,getdate()) between 31 and 60 then sum(InvoiceBal1)
            else 0
        end as [30 Days]
from CusInvoice
group by Customer

标签: sqlsql-server



select Customer     
       sum(case when datediff(day, InvoiceDate, getdate()) <= 30
                then InvoiceBal1 else 0
           end) as balance_current
       sum(case when datediff(day, InvoiceDate, getdate()) between 31 and 60
                then InvoiceBal1 else 0
           end) as balance_30days
from CusInvoice
group by Customer
