首页 > 解决方案 > Why does basicReject does not work with Apache Qpid?


I'm using qpid-broker for integration testing my spring-boot-start-amqp application which uses basicGet (autoAck=false), basicAck and basicReject for handling the messages. basicReject (with requeue=false) works fine with my external rabbitmq instance but doesn't work with the qpid-broker.

I have tested my code with an external RabbitMQ instance where everything works fine but with the embedded Apache Qpid server the test fails because basicReject is not working properly.

Getting the message and rejecting it:

rabbitTemplate.execute {
    val response = it.basicGet(config.queueName, false)
    it.basicReject(response.envelope.deliveryTag, false)

Check if the message is still in the queue:

rabbitTemplate.execute {
    val response = it.basicGet(config.queueName, false)

My Qpid config:

  "name": "EmbeddedBroker",
  "modelVersion": "7.0",
  "authenticationproviders": [
      "name": "password",
      "type": "Plain",
      "secureOnlyMechanisms": [],
      "users": [
          "name": "guest",
          "password": "guest",
          "type": "managed"
  "ports": [
      "name": "AMQP",
      "port": "${qpid.amqp_port}",
      "protocols": [ "AMQP_0_9_1" ],
      "authenticationProvider": "password",
      "virtualhostaliases": [
          "name": "defaultAlias",
          "type": "defaultAlias"
  "virtualhostnodes": [
      "name": "default",
      "defaultVirtualHostNode": "true",
      "type": "Memory",
      "virtualHostInitialConfiguration": "{\"type\": \"Memory\" }"

Why does basicReject work fine with my RabbitMQ instance but doesn't work properly with the Apache Qpid embedded broker?

Edit: My solution was to move away from qpid and use a RabbitMQ Testcontainer.

标签: springkotlinrabbitmqamqpqpid

