首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用关键字验证页面上的文本?


我正在尝试验证微调器完成加载后出现的页面上的一些文本。是否可以在 Katalon 中执行此类测试?


public class ModuleKeywords {

    def myText(String){
    myText = WebUI.getText(findTestObject('Object Repository/WMS/Page_/li_System Activity'))
    return myText

def sysText = CustomKeywords.'com.wms.modules.general.ModuleKeywords.myText'()

    if (sysText == 'System Activity') {

    println("The text displayed is = "  + sysText)

    println('Activity page did not load')


运行脚本后出现以下错误:2019-09-10 13:52:42.921 错误 kkcmCustomKeywordDelegatingMetaClass - ❌ 没有此类属性:myText for class: com.wms.modules.general.ModuleKeywords 2019-09-10 13:52: 42.925 错误 ckkatalon.core.main.TestCaseExecutor - ❌ 测试用例/回归/WMS/C16320 - 活动模块失败。原因:groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException:没有这样的属性:类的 myText:com.wms.modules.general.ModuleKeywords.myText(ModuleKeywords.groovy:26) 在 com.wms.modules 的 com.wms.modules.general.ModuleKeywords .general.ModuleKeywords.invokeMethod(ModuleKeywords.groovy) 在 com.kms.katalon.core.main.CustomKeywordDelegatingMetaClass.invokeStaticMethod(CustomKeywordDelegatingMetaClass.java:50) 在 C16320 - Activity Module.run(C16320 - Activity Module:23) 在 com。 kms.katalon.core.main.ScriptEngine。

标签: katalon-studio


There is some confusion on what myText means. It is unclear if it is a method name or a property name.

So, I suggest you change the name of the text variable (I'll name it just text) inside of your method. Be sure to add the def keyword, as well.

Finally, when writing a method with this signature def myText(String) you are saying the method accepts a string parameter, but you are not providing the parameter in your example so it is not needed.

Your method will then look like this:

def myText(){
    def text = WebUI.getText(findTestObject('Object Repository/WMS/Page_/li_System Activity'))
    return text
