首页 > 解决方案 > C ++如何在不擦除屏幕的情况下闪烁单行文本?


操作系统:Windows 10 编译器: Visual Studio 2017 C++ 版本: 14,显然


Press ENTER to continue


    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <chrono>
    #include <thread>;

    using namespace std;
    using namespace this_thread;     // sleep_for, sleep_until
    using namespace chrono_literals; // ns, us, ms, s, h, etc.
    using chrono::system_clock;

    //class to implement UI methods
    class UI {
        UI() {}

        void printTitleCard() {
            cout << "+---------------------------+" << endl;
            cout << "|    \"A Text Adventure\"     |" << endl;
            cout << "|            by             |" << endl;
            cout << "|            Me             |" << endl;
            cout << "+---------------------------+" << endl << endl;

        void intro() {
            cout << "Your mother warned you about getting into cars with strangers." << endl;
            cout << "She didn't say anything about vans, true, and it did have a" << endl;
            cout << "friendly moustache on the front bumper, but you knew the risks." << endl;
            cout << "Now you're waking up in the wilderness with no wallet and no clues..." << endl;
            cout << "...and there's something on your shoes." << endl;

        void pressEnterToContinue() {
        //This prompts the user to press "ENTER" to continue
        while (1) {
            string str = "Press ENTER to continue";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.25s); // wait a quarter-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // delete printed line
            str += ".";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.25s); // wait a quarter-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // delete printed line
            str += ".";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.25s); // wait a quarter-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // delete printed line
            str += ".";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.25s); // wait a quarter-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // delete printed line
            if (cin.get()) break;

    void main()
        UI ui;
        //Title Card


不仅文本没有“动画”,我还必须按两次 ENTER 才能继续下一行。




更新:我已成功使其“闪烁”。我只需要 break 条件来工作,因为现在它只是阻止 while 循环重新开始(莫名其妙):

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>

using namespace std;
using namespace this_thread;     // sleep_for, sleep_until
using namespace chrono_literals; // ns, us, ms, s, h, etc.
using chrono::system_clock;

//class to implement UI methods
class UI {
    UI() {}

    void printTitleCard() {
        cout << "+---------------------------+" << endl;
        cout << "|    \"A Text Adventure\"    |" << endl;
        cout << "|            by             |" << endl;
        cout << "|            Me             |" << endl;
        cout << "+---------------------------+" << endl << endl;

    void intro() {
        cout << "Your mother warned you about getting into cars with strangers." << endl;
        cout << "She didn't say anything about vans, true, and it did have a" << endl;
        cout << "friendly moustache on the front bumper, but you knew the risks." << endl;
        cout << "Now you're waking up in the wilderness with no wallet and no clues..." << endl;
        cout << "...and there's something on your shoes." << endl;

void pressEnterToContinue() {
        //This prompts the user to press "ENTER" to continue
        while (1) {
            string str = "Press ENTER to continue";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            str += ".";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            str += ".";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            str += ".";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            cout << string(str.length(), ' ');; //print spaces
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second
            //if (cin.get()) break;

void main()
    UI ui;
    //Title Card


UPDATE2:我现在有异步方法,但我无法获得“ENTER”键来一致地注册。退出 while 循环总是需要至少 2 次尝试,我不知道这是否是因为内存问题(那不是很可悲)、 的固有缺陷或我的逻辑错误。这是我的最小工作示例。我是如此接近,请提供完整的解决方案!

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
//#include <C:/Program Files/boost/boost_1_71_0/boost/atomic.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace this_thread;     // sleep_for, sleep_until
using namespace chrono_literals; // ns, us, ms, s, h, etc.
using chrono::system_clock;

//class to implement UI methods
class UI {
    UI() {}

    void printTitleCard() {
        cout << "+---------------------------+" << endl;
        cout << "|    \"A Text Adventure\"     |" << endl;
        cout << "|            by             |" << endl;
        cout << "|            Me             |" << endl;
        cout << "+---------------------------+" << endl << endl;

    void intro() {
        cout << "Your mother warned you about getting into cars with strangers." << endl;
        cout << "She didn't say anything about vans, true, and it did have a" << endl;
        cout << "friendly moustache on the front bumper, but you knew the risks." << endl;
        cout << "Now you're waking up in the wilderness with no wallet and no clues..." << endl;
        cout << "...and there's something on your shoes." << endl;

    void pressEnterToContinue() {

        using namespace std::literals;
        string str;

        auto f = std::async(std::launch::async, [str] {
            string userStr;
            getline(cin, userStr);
            if (userStr == "") {
                cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
                cout << string(str.length(), ' ');; //print spaces
                cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line

        while (f._Is_ready()==false/*f.wait_for(1s) != std::future_status::ready*/) {
            str = "Press ENTER to continue";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            str += ".";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            str += ".";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            str += ".";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            cout << string(str.length(), ' ');; //print spaces
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second

void main()
    UI ui;
    //Title Card


标签: c++animationio


我知道了。这解决了 Windows 平台上 C++ 的 3 个常见问题解答(我不认为第二个是新颖或需要的解决方案):

  • 如何在不清除屏幕的情况下使一行文本“闪烁”
  • 如何删除和覆盖控制台行
  • 如何从连续运行的异步循环中运行和逃脱。


编辑:好的,所以仍然存在一个缺陷:如果您尝试再次运行 pressEnterToContinue() 函数,则循环仅运行一次。这可能与我如何设置循环条件有关。将不胜感激反馈。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <future>

using namespace std;
using namespace this_thread;     // sleep_for, sleep_until
using namespace chrono_literals; // ns, us, ms, s, h, etc.
using chrono::system_clock;

//class to implement UI methods
class UI {
    UI() {}

    void printTitleCard() {
        cout << "+---------------------------+" << endl;
        cout << "|    \"A Text Adventure\"     |" << endl;
        cout << "|            by             |" << endl;
        cout << "|            Me             |" << endl;
        cout << "+---------------------------+" << endl << endl;

    void intro() {
        cout << "Your mother warned you about getting into cars with strangers." << endl;
        cout << "She didn't say anything about vans, true, and it did have a" << endl;
        cout << "friendly moustache on the front bumper, but you knew the risks." << endl;
        cout << "Now you're waking up in the wilderness with no wallet and no clues..." << endl;
        cout << "...and there's something on your shoes." << endl;

    void pressEnterToContinue() {

        using namespace std::literals;
        string str;

        auto f = std::async(std::launch::async, [str] {
            string userStr;
            getline(cin, userStr);
            if (userStr == "\r") {
                cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
                cout << string(str.length(), ' ');; //print spaces
                cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line

        while (f._Is_ready()==false/*f.wait_for(1s) != std::future_status::ready*/) {
            str = "Press ENTER to continue";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            str += ".";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            str += ".";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            str += ".";
            cout << str;
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            cout << string(str.length(), ' ');; //print spaces
            cout << string(str.length(), '\b'); // go to front of line
            sleep_until(system_clock::now() + 0.5s); // wait a half-second

int main()
    UI ui;
    //Title Card

    return 0;
