首页 > 解决方案 > 创建一个Publisher,一一通知订阅者,相互等待



import Combine

let publisher = PassthroughSubject<ComplexStructOrClass, Never>()
let sub1 = publisher.sink { (someString) in
    // Async work...

let sub2 = publisher.sink { (someString) in
    // Async work, but it has to wait until sub1 has finished his work

所以publisher常量有 2 个订阅者。当我sendpublisher常量上使用该方法时,它应该首先发送值到sub1完成处理之后 sub1(使用回调或类似的东西),publisher应该和通知sub2

因此,在评论中,它指出 Combine 是为此而设计的。我需要使用哪个发布者?PassthroughSubject 可能是错误的决定。



当前代码,没有组合 这是一些没有使用的代码Combine

// My publisher
protocol NotiPublisher {

    // Type of message to send
    associatedtype Notification

    // List of subscribers for this publisher
    static var listeners: Set<AnyNotiPublisher<Notification>> { get set }

// My subscriber
protocol NotificationListener: Hashable {
    associatedtype NotificationType

    var container: NSPersistentContainer { get }
    // Identifier used to find this subscriber in the list of 'listeners' in the publisher
    var identifier: Int32 { get }
    var notify: ((_ notification: NotificationType, _ context: NSManagedObjectContext, @escaping CompletionHandlerAck) -> ()) { get }

// Type erased version of the NotificationListener and some convience methods here, can add them if desired

// In a extension of NotiPublisher, this method is here
static func notify(queue: DispatchQueue, notification: Notification, completionHander: @escaping CompletionHandlerAck) throws {
    let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
    var completionBlocks = [SomeCompletionHandler]()
    var contexts = [NSManagedObjectContext]()
    var didLoop = false

    for listener in listeners {
        if didLoop {
        } else {
            didLoop = true


        listener.container.performBackgroundTask { (context) in

            listener.notify(notification, context, { (completion) in                    


    dispatchGroup.notify(queue: queue) {
        let err = completion.first(where: { element in
            // Check if an error has occured

        if err == nil {
            for context in contexts {
                context.performAndWait {
                    try! context.save()

        completionHander(err ?? .ok(true))

这是非常复杂的代码,我想知道是否可以利用 Combine 的强大功能使这段代码更具可读性。

标签: swiftcombine


我编写了以下内容,以使用 flatMap 链接来自发布者的异步操作,它允许您返回另一个发布者。我不是粉丝,它可能无法满足您动态更改潜艇的需要,但它可能会对某人有所帮助:

let somePublisher = Just(12)

let anyCancellable = somePublisher.flatMap{ num in
    //We can return a publisher from flatMap, so lets return a Future one because we want to do some async work
    return Future<Int,Never>({ promise  in

        //do an async thing using dispatch
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3, execute: {
            print("flat map finished processing the number \(num)")

            //now just pass on the value
}.flatMap{ num in
    //We can return a publisher from flatMap, so lets return a Future one because we want to do some async work
    return Future<Int,Never>({ promise  in

        //do an async thing using dispatch
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3, execute: {
            print("second flat map finished processing the number \(num)")

            //now just pass on the value
}.sink { num in
    print("This sink runs after the async work in the flatMap/Future publishers")
