首页 > 解决方案 > Gatsby Graphql 阅读图片


我想从 YAML 读取图像文件的路径,并使用它gatsby-image来创建响应式图像,但它不能让我做我想做的事。


fileKey: data
  - name: Foo
    image: image.jpg
  - name: Bar
    image: image2.jpg


query DataQuery {
  pagesYaml(fileKey: {eq: "data"}) {
    profile {
      image {
        childImageSharp {
          fluid(maxWidth: 2048, quality: 100) {

这给了我这个错误Field "image" must not have a selection since type "String" has no subfields


query DataQuery {
  pagesYaml(fileKey: {eq: "data"}) {
    profile {
    profileImage: file(relativePath: { eq: "image.jpg" }) {
      childImageSharp {
        fluid {
    profileImage2: file(relativePath: { eq: "image2.jpg" }) {
      childImageSharp {
        fluid {

第一个查询的好处是我可以将个人资料图像放在 .js 文件中profile,因此更容易在 JavaScript 中管理数据。是否可以将图像放在profile查询中的对象内?


const proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware');
const yaml = require('./src/yaml');

module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    title: 'Gatsby + Netlify CMS Starter',
      'This repo contains an example business website that is built with Gatsby, and Netlify CMS.It follows the JAMstack architecture by using Git as a single source of truth, and Netlify for continuous deployment, and CDN distribution.',
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-robots-txt',
      options: {
        policy: [{ userAgent: '*', disallow: '/' }]
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-sitemap`,
      options: {
        exclude: [`/admin`]
      // keep as first gatsby-source-filesystem plugin for gatsby image support
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-filesystem',
      options: {
        path: `${__dirname}/static/img`,
        name: 'uploads',
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-filesystem',
      options: {
        path: `${__dirname}/src/pages`,
        name: 'pages',
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-filesystem',
      options: {
        path: `${__dirname}/src/img`,
        name: 'images',
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-filesystem',
      options: {
        path: `${__dirname}/src/data`,
        name: 'data',
      resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-remark',
      options: {
        engines: { yaml },
        plugins: [
            resolve: 'gatsby-remark-relative-images',
            options: {
              name: 'uploads',
            resolve: 'gatsby-remark-images',
            options: {
              // It's important to specify the maxWidth (in pixels) of
              // the content container as this plugin uses this as the
              // base for generating different widths of each image.
              maxWidth: 2048,
            resolve: 'gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files',
            options: {
              destinationDir: 'static',
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-web-font-loader',
      options: {
        custom: {
          families: ['Appli Mincho']
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms',
      options: {
        modulePath: `${__dirname}/src/cms/cms.js`,
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-purgecss', // purges all unused/unreferenced css rules
      options: {
        develop: true, // Activates purging in npm run develop
        purgeOnly: ['/all.sass'], // applies purging only on the bulma css file
    }, // must be after other CSS plugins
    'gatsby-plugin-netlify', // make sure to keep it last in the array
  // for avoiding CORS while developing Netlify Functions locally
  // read more: https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/api-proxy/#advanced-proxying
  developMiddleware: app => {
        target: 'http://localhost:9000',
        pathRewrite: {
          '/.netlify/functions/': '',

标签: graphqlgatsby


这很可能发生,因为 Gatsby 将您的profile.image字段推断为字符串而不是文件。如果在引导 Gatsby 时提供的一个或多个路径字符串未解析为文件,则可能会发生这种情况。请注意,Gatsby 在启动后不会重新运行现有字段的类型推断,因此您需要重新启动开发服务器以获取这些更改。
