首页 > 解决方案 > Run Nodemon with Typescript compiling?


I want my typescript files to be compiled on every file saving with the command tsc.

How do I combine the tsc command with the command that nodemon runs in the build:live script

"scripts": {
    "start": "npm run build:live",
    "build:live": "nodemon --watch '*.ts' --exec 'ts-node' app.ts",

this script causes nodemon to call itself twice or three times:

"build:live": "nodemon --watch '*.ts' --exec 'ts-node app.ts & tsc'",

标签: javascriptnode.jstypescriptvisual-studio-codenodemon


Nodemon will detect and run .ts files with ts-node automatically now. It will actually run .py and .rb files with python and ruby too btw and you can give it a custom --exec for others. Here's a link to the relevant code within nodemon.

So the following should be fine:

"scripts": {
  "dev": "nodemon app.ts"
