首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 R 中的后缀组合变量对?


我有一个非常宽的数据集(1,000 多列),其中大约 160 个是以下格式的对:Var1.r 和 Var1.s;Var2.r 和 Var2.s 等等。


df <- tibble(Var1.r=c("Apple", "Pear", NA), Var1.s = c(NA, NA, "Dog"), 
             Var2.r = c("Boat", NA, NA), Var2.s = c(NA, "Platypus", NA),
             AnotherVar = c(1,2,3))

# A tibble: 3 x 5
  Var1.r Var1.s Var2.r Var2.s   AnotherVar
  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>         <dbl>
1 Apple  NA     Boat   NA                1
2 Pear   NA     NA     Platypus          2
3 NA     Dog    NA     NA                3


> df2
# A tibble: 3 x 3
  Var1  Var2     AnotherVar
  <chr> <chr>         <dbl>
1 Apple Boat              1
2 Pear  Platypus          2
3 Dog   NA                3


df2 <- df %>% 
  mutate(Var1 = merge_cols(Var1.r, Var1.s),
         Var2 = merge_cols(Var2.r, Var2.s))

然后删除所有 .r 和 .s 列。除了我不想写同一行 80 次。



# select all the ".s" columns 
# (which will always have their .r counterparts)
to_merge <- df %>% select(ends_with(".s")) %>% names()

S <- NA
# loop through all the .s column names
for (S in to_merge) { 
  R <- gsub('(.+).s', '\\1.r', S) #create the equivalent .r col name
  # merge them using merge_cols() and save them to the .r column 
  df[R] <- merge_cols(df[[S]],df[[R]])

# drop all the .s columns
df <- df %>% select(-ends_with(".s"))
# rename the variables that end in .r to be the "main" variable
names(df) <- gsub('(.+).r$', '\\1', names(df))

它超级难看,但它比重塑数据框更快(因为我有太多列但没有那么多行),并且允许我根据我想要合并数据的方式使用自定义 merge_cols 函数。

标签: r




df <-
    Var1.r = c("Apple", "Pear", NA),
    Var1.s = c(NA, NA, "Dog"),
    Var2.r = c("Boat", NA, NA),
    Var2.s = c(NA, "Platypus", NA),
    AnotherVar = c(1, 2, 3)

df %>% gather(Var, Val, -AnotherVar) %>% 
  separate(Var, into=c("Name", "Suffix"), sep="\\.") %>% 
  drop_na(Val) %>% 
  select(-Suffix) %>% 
  spread(Name, Val)

# A tibble: 3 x 3
  AnotherVar Var1  Var2    
       <dbl> <chr> <chr>   
1          1 Apple Boat    
2          2 Pear  Platypus
3          3 Dog   NA   


df <-
    Var1.r = c("Apple", "Pear", NA),
    Var1.s = c(NA, NA, "Dog"),
    Var2.r = c("Boat", NA, NA),
    Var2.s = c(NA, "Platypus", NA),
    AnotherVar = c(1, 2, 3),
    AnotherVar2 = c("a", NA, "c"),
    AnotherVar3 = c("a1", "b2", NA)

df %>% gather(Var, Val, starts_with("Var")) %>% 
  separate(Var, into=c("Name", "Suffix"), sep="\\.") %>% 
  drop_na(Val) %>% 
  select(-Suffix) %>% 
  spread(Name, Val)

# A tibble: 3 x 5
  AnotherVar AnotherVar2 AnotherVar3 Var1  Var2    
       <dbl> <chr>       <chr>       <chr> <chr>   
1          1 a           a1          Apple Boat    
2          2 NA          b2          Pear  Platypus
3          3 c           NA          Dog   NA 
