首页 > 解决方案 > Resetting a new file in staging area to working directory in Git


In Git I have checked out a new branch branch band made multiple changes including edits, new files, folders etc. I need to revert back to an old branch branch a to make changes, so I want to stash all changes made in branch b. However I have some untracked files and folder in branch b so if I revert back to branch a, they follow as untracked files.

I attempted to add and then reset these untracked files with the intention of them moving to the working directory, but they revertedback to an untracked file (no surprise).


How do I add these untracked files in branch b to the working directory ready to be stashed? (without committing)

标签: git



git add --intend-to-add



-N, --intent-to-add

仅记录稍后将添加路径的事实。路径的条目被放置在没有内容的索引中。除其他外,这对于使用 git diff 显示此类文件的未暂存内容并使用 git commit -a 提交它们很有用。
