首页 > 解决方案 > Update the value property of 'costElement' to the calculated cost


I'm stuck getting this program to work. I added a switch statement to determine the cost and I believe the rest is right I just don't know how to update cost in the text field. I checked this link and a few more but have been unable to find answers. Any guidance is appreciated thanks.



<form action="" method="post" id="theForm">
  <fieldset><legend>Create Your Membership</legend>
        <p>Complete this form to calculate your membership. There's a 20% discount if you enroll for more than one year!</p>
        <div><label for="type">Type</label> <select name="type" id="type" required>
            <option value="basic">Basic - $10.00</option>
            <option value="premium">Premium - $15.00</option>
            <option value="gold">Gold - $20.00</option>
            <option value="platinum">Platinum - $25.00</option>
        <div><label for="years">Years</label><input type="number" name="years" id="years" min="1" required></div>
        <div><label for="cost">Cost</label><input type="text" name="cost" id="cost" disabled></div>
        <input type="submit" value="Calculate" id="submit">


function calculate() {
    // Be strict:
    'use strict';

    // Variable to store the total cost:
    var cost;

    // Get a reference to the form elements:
    var type = document.getElementById('type');
    var years = document.getElementById('years');

    // TODO Convert the year to a number:
    var years = parseInt("1996");

    // Check for valid data:
    if (type && type.value && years && (years > 0)) {

        // TODO Add a switch statement to determine the base cost using the value of "type"
        switch(cost) {
          case "basic":
          text = "$10.00";
          case "premium":
          text = "$15.00";
          case "gold":
          text = "$20.00";
          case "platinum":
          text = "$25.00";
        // TODO Update cost to factor in the number of years:

        // Discount multiple years:
        if (years > 1) {
            cost *= .20; // 20%

        var costElement = document.getElementById('cost');

        // TODO update the value property of 'costElement' to the calculated cost
        var costElement = type + years;
    } else { // Show an error:
        document.getElementById('cost').value = 'Please enter valid values.';

    // Return false to prevent submission:
    return false;

function init() {
    'use strict';
    // call a function named calculate() when form submitted
    document.getElementById('theForm').onsubmit = calculate;
window.onload = init;

标签: javascript


you need to call value property of your input (type is also a node element, you need to use value property of it to get chosen option)

costElement.value = type.value + years;
