首页 > 解决方案 > 如何以可读的方式记录 JSDOC 中的嵌套属性?


我正在为 NPM 制作我的第一个开源 JS 插件,并希望对其进行详细记录。

但是类构造函数生成的文档看起来太大并且超出了我的屏幕。 看起来很糟糕

class Karaoke {

   * Magic happen here.
   * @constructor
   * @param   {HTMLElement} element  DOM HTML element that used as a Karaoke instance root element.
   * @param   {object}      options  Options for the Karaoke instance.
   * @param   {object[]}    options.tracks An array of tracks for the karaoke.
   * @param   {string}      options.tracks[].url Audio file URL.
   * @param   {string}      options.tracks[].bgImg Background image URL  for the current track.
   * @param   {object[]}    options.tracks[].lyrics An array of a track lyrics lines.
   * @param   {string}      options.tracks[].lyrics[].text The text of the lyrics line.
   * @param   {number}      options.tracks[].lyrics[].start The time in milliseconds when lyrics line playing must to begin.
   * @param   {number}      options.tracks[].lyrics[].duration The lyrics line playing duration in milliseconds.
   * @param   {object[]}    options.tracks[].lyrics[].keyframes An array of keyframes for the lyrics line CSS playing animation.
   * @param   {string}      options.tracks[].lyrics[].keyframes[].key A key for the lyrics line CSS playing animation.
   * @param   {number}      options.tracks[].lyrics[].keyframes[].value A value for lyrics line CSS playing animation.
  constructor( element, options = {} ) {


标签: jsdoc



 * @typedef {Object} Keyframe
 * @property {string} key A key for the lyrics line CSS playing animation.
 * @property {number} value A value for lyrics line CSS playing animation.

 * @typedef {object} Lyric
 * @property {string}     text The text of the lyrics line.
 * @property {number}     start The time in milliseconds when lyrics line playing must to begin.
 * @property {number}     duration The lyrics line playing duration in milliseconds.
 * @property {Keyframe[]} keyframes An array of keyframes for the lyrics line CSS playing animation.

 * @typedef {object} Track
 * @property {string}  url An array of tracks for the karaoke.
 * @property {string}  bgImg Background image URL for the current track.
 * @property {Lyric[]} lyrics An array of a track lyrics lines.

  * @typedef {object} Options
  * @property {Track[]} tracks An array of tracks for the karaoke.

class Karaoke {
   * Magic happen here.
   * @constructor
   * @param {HTMLElement} element DOM HTML element that used as a Karaoke instance root element.
   * @param {Options}     options Options for the Karaoke instance.
  constructor( element, options = {} ) {

这将生成以下 HTML 文档:



