首页 > 解决方案 > 我需要使一个 void 函数循环返回而不使其崩溃或跳过



我采取了一种俗气的方式来做这件事,不审查具体的选择,把它留给 else 声明。


在 void 函数的最后一条语句中,else 导致返回函数,它只是一起跳过函数,我不知道如何让它回到选择。

我尝试添加一个 if(!cin) 来审查这个过程,但这只会让事情变得更糟。

void forest() {
    cout << "               ,@@@@@@@,\n";
    cout << "       ,,,.   ,@@@@@@/@@,  .oo8888o.\n";
    cout << "    ,&%%&%&&%,@@@@@/@@@@@@,8888 8/8o" << endl;
    cout << "   ,%&%&&%&&%,@@@ @@@/@@@88 88888/88'\n";
    cout << "   %&&%&%&/%&&%@@ @@/ /@@@88888 88888'\n";
    cout << "   %&&%/ %&%%&&@@  V /@@' `88 8 `/88'\n";
    cout << "   `&%  ` /%&'    |.|          '|8'\n";
    cout << "       |o|        | |         | |\n";
    cout << "       |.|        | |         | |\n";
    cout << "      / ._ /_/__ /  , _/ __  /.   _/__/_\n";

    int forChoice = 0;
    int goFurther = 0;
    cout << "Choose the following paths\n";
    cout << "1. Go north.\n2. Go south.\n3. Go east.\nPress any to go to where the Goddess pointed.\n";
    cin >> forChoice;
    cout << endl;

    if (forChoice == 1) {
        cout << "I find the forrest to be denser, and I hear loud rustling noises in the dark.\n";
        cout << "I decide to turn back.\n";
    } else if (forChoice == 2) {
        cout << "I appear to be heading towards a cliff.\n";
        cout << "The moon lights the whole landscape and the spectacular view of the terrain is something to behold.\n";
        cout << "There is nothing left to do for me, but to turn back.\n";
    } else if (forChoice == 3) {
        cout << "I head east to see if there is anything to be found in that direction.\n";
        cout << "I hear wolves howling in the distance.\n";
        cout << "Do I continue, or turn back?\n1. Continue or press any other key to turn back\n";
        cin >> goFurther;
        if (goFurther == 1) {
            cout << "I hear a rustling noise as I venture on. A wolf lunges form behind me and bites my thigh.\n";
            cout << "I am now immobilized, and bleeding, as I see my vision fade away.\n";
        } else {
            cout << "I decided to turn back to evade uncertain dangers\n";


int main() {
    int explore = 0;
    cout << "I have the option to explore the surrounding area. Do I explore or head straight to my task?\n";
    cout << "1. Explore OR Press any to go to task.\n";
    cin >> explore;
    if (explore == 1) {
    return 0;

标签: c++


在您似乎拥有的 C++ 知识水平上,解决此任务非常困难,但无论如何我都会尝试。


  • 我看到(猜想)您打算处理这些组件:
    • 场景(带描述)
    • 选项(在哪里做什么)
    • 玩家(在给定时间在一个场景中)
  • 玩家应该能够在场景之间移动
  • 显示您所在场景的简短描述(例如Forrest.:)
  • 显示特定场景的选项,for循环打印(自动添加键输入)
  • 想象一种退出游戏的方法(可能通过键入"x"),将其添加到每个选项列表中
  • 获取用户输入(如果您使用std::string变量来读取、比较"1""2"


这是一个示例,这种简单的设置看起来如何希望使事情更清楚一些。请注意,我使用struct而不是class,并以use namespace std;两者开头的代码使代码保持较小,但对于严肃的程序来说被认为是不好的风格。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct Scene;

struct Option
    Option(const string& t, Scene* s): text(t), scene(s) {}
    string text;
    Scene* scene;

struct Scene
    Scene(const string& t): text(t) {}
    string text;
    vector<Option> options;

struct Player
    Player(Scene* s): situation(s) {}
    Scene* situation;

    // the actual game loop
    void enjoy()
        while (situation) {
            const vector<Option>& options = situation->options;
            cout << "you are here: " << situation->text << endl;
            for (size_t i=0; i<options.size(); ++i) {
                cout << i+1 << ": " << options[i].text << endl;
            cout << "x: to exit game" << endl;
            string choice;
            cin >> choice;
            if (choice == "x") {
            } else {
                int opt = atoi(choice.c_str());
                if ((0 < opt) && (opt <= int(options.size()))) {
                    situation = options[opt-1].scene;
                } else {
                    cout << "still ";

int main()
    // create some scenes
    Scene forest("forest");
    Scene field("field");
    Scene hill("hill");

    // add options to scenes (and link scenes):
    forest.options.push_back(Option("Go to field", &field));
    forest.options.push_back(Option("Go to hill", &hill));
    field.options.push_back(Option("Go to forest", &forest));
    field.options.push_back(Option("Go to hill", &hill));
    hill.options.push_back(Option("Go to forest", &forest));

    // add player, placed in one scene
    Player player(&forest);

    // actually run the game
    return 0;
