首页 > 解决方案 > 是否可以在 irc 中运行 bash 命令?


在 ssh 中,我可以使用执行我的 bash 脚本

./myscript.sh -g House -y 2019 -u https://someurl.com Artist - Album

该脚本从包含各种艺术家的子文件夹的目录中读取,但是当我从 IRC 执行触发器时,它告诉我文件夹名称无效

irc 触发器是!myscript -g House -y 2019 -u https://someurl.com Artist - Album.

就目前而言,我使用此代码来触发 IRC 命令

proc dupe:myscript {nick host hand chan arg} {
    set _bin "/home/eggdrop/logfw/myscript.sh"

    if {[catch {exec $_bin "$arg" &} error]} {
        putnow "PRIVMSG $chan :Error.. $error"
    } else {
        putnow "PRIVMSG $chan :Running.. $arg"

我得到的错误是找不到文件夹名称,因为它报告为 -g House -y 2019 -u https://someurl.com Artist - Album

所以我需要 irc 或 bash 来删除 optarg 部分,以便只显示 irc 中的文件夹名称。

我认为错误的出现是因为 tcl 正在发送带引号的字符串,但不确定如何解决该问题

标签: bashtcl



if {[catch {exec $_bin {*}$arg &} error]} {



proc dupe:myscript {nick host hand chan arg} {
    set _bin "/home/eggdrop/logfw/myscript.sh"

    # You might need this too; it ensures that we have a proper Tcl list going forward:
    set arglist [split $arg]

    # Check (aggressively!) for anything that might make exec do something weird
    if {[lsearch -glob $arglist {*[<|>]*}] >= 0} {
        # Found a potential naughty character! Tell the user to get lost…
        putnow "PRIVMSG $chan :Error.. bad character in '$arg'"

    if {[catch {exec $_bin {*}$arglist &} error]} {
        putnow "PRIVMSG $chan :Error.. $error"
    } else {
        putnow "PRIVMSG $chan :Running.. $arg"
