首页 > 解决方案 > R Shiny 模块中的 updateSelectInput 不会将现有输入传递给“选定”参数





  1. 用户加载“映射输入”文件。如果他们以前做过这个映射练习,我想使用这个文件来预填充下拉列表。我还从该表中提取标准列名列表。每个标准列名称都有一个关联的下拉列表。

  2. 他们加载他们的文件以进行争论 - 具有古怪列名的文件。此文件中的列名将成为下拉列表中的选项。

  3. 当用户开始将他们的列名映射到不同的标准名称下拉列表时,他们的选择将从其他下拉列表中消失。这使得映射具有许多列的文件中的列变得更加容易。

我觉得我是如此接近。问题在于模块何时运行 updateSelectInput。我正在使用 updateSelectInput 从已使用的下拉列表中删除选项。这可行,但它会清除在 renderUI 函数中设置的预填充值。

这是具有预填充值的代码(已删除有问题的 updateSelectInput):

# Load libraries and options ----------------------------------------------

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Modules -----------------------------------------------------------------

input_ui <- function(id, row_label, file_description) {
    ns <- NS(id) 
        uiOutput(ns("colmapping")) # References the dynamic dropdowns created by the server module.

# Creates dynamic dropdowns which ultimately will be used to rename columns from a number of different files.
input_server <- function(input, output, session, parent) {

    # Create a fake file with misnamed columns that need remapped. 
    input_file <- reactive({
            return(data.frame(Account.Number = 1:2,
                              Account.Name = c("Account 1", "Account 2"),
                              Quota.2018 = c(1000, 2000)))

    # Get a list of what the columns SHOULD be named. These will also do double-duty as the labels for our dropdown inputs.
    standard_columns <- reactive({ 
        c("AccountId", "AccountName", "SalesGoal")

    # Get the actual column names from the file with misnamed columns.
    actual_columns <- reactive({

    # A separate input can be loaded that documents how the misnamed columns have been mapped to the correct names in the past. 
    # We want to pre-populate the dropdowns with these selections.
    quickstart_columns <- reactive({
        c("Account.Number", "Account.Name", "Quota")

    # Create a drop-down selectInput for each of the "standard" column names, allowing the user to choose from the column names in their own misnamed file.
    output$colmapping <- renderUI({
        ns <- session$ns
        dropdowns = tagList()
        for (i in seq_len(length(standard_columns()))) { # For i in 1:number of standard names associated with this table
            dropdowns[[i]] = selectInput(ns(paste0("input_", standard_columns()[i])), # Use the standard name value for the input object name
                                         label = paste0(standard_columns()[i]), # And for the UI label
                                         choices = actual_columns(),
                                         selected = quickstart_columns()[i],
                                         multiple = FALSE) #Use choices from loaded input table

# UI ----------------------------------------------------------------------

ui <- fluidPage(

# Server ------------------------------------------------------------------

server <- function(input, output, session) {

    acct_info_mod_results <- callModule(input_server, 
                                        parent = session)


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

这是打开 updateSelectInput 的相同代码(因此选择的其他地方选项从选项中删除),但未显示预填充的值。

# Load libraries and options ----------------------------------------------

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Modules -----------------------------------------------------------------

input_ui <- function(id, row_label, file_description) {
    ns <- NS(id)

        uiOutput(ns("colmapping")) # References the dynamic dropdowns created by the server module.

# Creates dynamic dropdowns which ultimately will be used to rename columns from a number of different files.
input_server <- function(input, output, session, parent) {

    # Create a fake file with misnamed columns that need remapped. 
    input_file <- reactive({
            return(data.frame(Account.Number = 1:2,
                              Account.Name = c("Account 1", "Account 2"),
                              Quota.2018 = c(1000, 2000)))

    # Get a list of what the columns SHOULD be named. These will also do double-duty as the labels for our dropdown inputs.
    standard_columns <- reactive({ 
        c("AccountId", "AccountName", "SalesGoal")

    # Get the actual column names from the file with misnamed columns.
    actual_columns <- reactive({

    # A separate input can be loaded that documents how the misnamed columns have been mapped to the correct names in the past. 
    # We want to pre-populate the dropdowns with these selections.
    quickstart_columns <- reactive({
        c("Account.Number", "Account.Name", "Quota")

    # Create a drop-down selectInput for each of the "standard" column names, allowing the user to choose from the column names in their own misnamed file.
    output$colmapping <- renderUI({
        ns <- session$ns
        dropdowns = tagList()
        for (i in seq_len(length(standard_columns()))) { # For i in 1:number of standard names associated with this table
            dropdowns[[i]] = selectInput(ns(paste0("input_", standard_columns()[i])), # Use the standard name value for the input object name
                                         label = paste0(standard_columns()[i]), # And for the UI label
                                         choices = actual_columns(),
                                         selected = quickstart_columns()[i],
                                         multiple = FALSE) #Use choices from loaded input table

    # This is the chunk of code giving me trouble!
    # For some of these files, there's like 20-some columns that will need renamed. That's a lot of scanning through long dropdown lists.
    # As the user starts to map some of the columns, I want their selections to disappear from the other drop downs.
    # The good news is, this works!
    # The bad news is, it also clears out the pre-populated inputs. How can I keep the pre-populated inputs from disappearing when I apply updateSelectInput?


        ns <- session$ns
        n <- isolate(length(standard_columns()))
        for (i in seq_len(n)) {
            already_selected <- unlist(lapply((1:n)[-i], function(i)
                input[[ paste0("input_",standard_columns()[i]) ]]))

            selected_i <- input[[ paste0("input_", standard_columns()[i]) ]]
            print(selected_i) # For debugging. These return empty values until selections are made, but I never had the problem with analogous code until I tried to put it in the module.
            updateSelectInput(session = parent,
                              choices = append(c("Empty"),setdiff(actual_columns(), already_selected)),
                              selected = input[[ paste0("input_", standard_columns()[i]) ]]


# UI ----------------------------------------------------------------------

ui <- fluidPage(

# Server ------------------------------------------------------------------

server <- function(input, output, session) {

    acct_info_mod_results <- callModule(input_server, 
                                        parent = session)


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


编辑:在经历了很多痛苦之后,我想出了如何获取一个会话输入列表,我可以循环通过该列表在父会话中创建 updateSelectInput。我还想出了如何将它放入主会话中的函数中。这是工作修复的一个最小示例,但如果有人有更聪明的方法来解决问题,我会全力以赴!

# Load libraries and options ----------------------------------------------

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

updateDropDowns <- function(session, all_inputs) {

  inputs <-  setdiff(all_inputs$names, all_inputs$names %>% str_subset(pattern="selectize"))
  selected <- unname(unlist(all_inputs %>% filter(names %in% inputs) %>% select(selected)))
  values <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")

  n <- length(inputs)
  for (i in seq_len(n)) {

      already_selected <- unlist(lapply((1:n)[-i], function(i)

                      choices = setdiff(values, already_selected),
                      selected = selected[i])

# UI ----------------------------------------------------------------------

ui <- fluidPage(

# Server ------------------------------------------------------------------

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$colmapping <- renderUI({
    dropdowns = tagList()
    for (i in 1:3) { 
      dropdowns[[i]] = selectInput(paste0("input_",i), 
                                   label = paste0("input_",i), 
                                   choices = c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
                                   selected = NULL,
                                   multiple = FALSE) 

  all_inputs <- reactive({ # get a dataframe of input names and values, else return an empty df 
    x <- reactiveValuesToList(input)
    y <- data.frame(
      names = names(x),
      selected = unlist(x, use.names = FALSE)
    empty <- as.data.frame(setNames(rbind(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = 1)),
                                    c("names", "selected")))
    if(nrow(y) == 0) {empty} else {y}

    updateDropDowns(session, all_inputs())

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

标签: rmoduleshiny

